Stay With Me P.49 (Jungil)💖

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As they stood amidst the bright lights and camera flashes, it was as if the universe had conspired to keep them apart. Jungwoo's laughter echoed like a distant supernova, while Taeil's smile shimmered like a distant star, both seemingly too far away to touch. Their paths, like diverging comet trails, seemed destined never to intertwine. Yet, even in that fleeting encounter, there was an inexplicable pull, like gravity gently tugging at their souls. Taeil's eyes, like deep galaxies, caught a glimpse of Jungwoo's hidden light, while Jungwoo, like a distant memory, sensed a familiar warmth in Taeil's presence. It was a connection too subtle for words, but it lingered in the corners of their minds, like a forgotten constellation waiting to be discovered.

As the days turned into weeks and the yearbook photoshoot became a distant memory, life took its course, steering each member on their unique journey. Taeil remained anchored to Sicheng, their bond solidifying like an unbreakable cosmic chain. Jungwoo, like a shooting star, found comfort in the camaraderie of Lucas, their friendship like a meteor shower of joy and laughter.


Then, like a meteor colliding with a planet, came the day that altered their paths forever. The news of Jungwoo replacing Sicheng in NCT 127 struck Taeil like a supernova, shattering the stability he had come to rely on. The emotions within him churned like a tempest, and for a moment, he felt lost in the vast expanse of the cosmos. But the universe is an ever-changing tapestry, and NCT prepared for their comeback with "Regular." Like a celestial collision, it triggered a surge of emotions in Taeil's heart – emotions he had never experienced before.

"I can't believe this is happening," Taeil murmured to Sicheng, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Why did they choose Jungwoo? It's like they're trying to erase you from the group."

Sicheng placed a reassuring hand on Taeil's shoulder, his eyes reflecting the constellations of understanding. "I know it's tough, but we have to trust the decisions made by our company. Jungwoo is talented, and I believe he'll do a great job. We'll still be together, just in a different way."

A form of hatred brewed within Taeil, clouding his judgment and pushing him away from Jungwoo. He couldn't understand why fate had chosen Jungwoo to replace Sicheng, and he resented the younger member for being the harbinger of change he didn't ask for. The distance between them grew wider, like cosmic bodies hurtling through separate realms of the universe.


The hate Jungwoo received online served as a harsh reflection of Taeil's misplaced anger. As the torrent of malicious comments and hurtful remarks intensified, Taeil's walls began to crumble. He realized the gravity of his feelings, the weight of his prejudice, and the error of his ways. Regret consumed him like a black hole, threatening to swallow him whole. As the days passed, and the hate that rained upon Jungwoo as meteor showers intensified, Taeil found himself grappling with conflicting emotions. He didn't want to harbor hatred toward his fellow member, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal and fear that his world was changing beyond his control.

"I can't stand all this hate," Jungwoo confided to Lucas one evening, his voice cracking like a comet splitting the night sky. "I never wanted to cause any harm, but now I feel like I'm responsible for all of this."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now