Stay With Me P.121 (Henil)💖

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The NCT Resonance tour had been a whirlwind of emotions, excitement, and new experiences for Hendery. He was the newest addition to the NCT family, and despite his talent and charm, he couldn't help but feel like an outsider. The other members had known each other for years, and he was still trying to find his place among them. Hendery's awkwardness was evident from the moment he joined the group. He stumbled over his words during interviews, often blushing when he made a mistake. He found it difficult to strike up conversations with his fellow members, feeling like he was intruding on their established friendships.

Taeil, on the other hand, was the oldest member of NCT, and he had always been known for his kind and gentle nature. He took it upon himself to make Hendery feel welcome and comfortable. He would offer words of encouragement before performances, give Hendery advice on handling the pressures of being in the spotlight, and even share his own experiences of being a rookie in the industry.

One evening, after a particularly grueling rehearsal, Taeil approached Hendery with a warm smile. "You did great today, Hendery," he said, patting the younger boy on the back. "I know it can be overwhelming, but you're doing an amazing job. We're all here for you."

Hendery couldn't help but blush at Taeil's praise. "Thank you, Taeil hyung," he replied, his voice filled with gratitude. "I really appreciate your support. I just... sometimes I feel like I don't belong here."

Taeil's expression softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on Hendery's shoulder. "I felt the same way when I first joined NCT too," he admitted. "But trust me, you belong here just as much as anyone else. We're a family, and we'll always have your back."

As the tour continued, Hendery's admiration for Taeil grew. He admired not only Taeil's vocal prowess but also his wisdom and kindness. Taeil had a way of making everyone feel valued and important, and Hendery couldn't help but be drawn to him. It was during a rare moment of downtime that Hendery found himself alone in his hotel room, scrolling through his phone. He had exchanged numbers with all the members, but he had never really texted anyone outside of group messages. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to send a message to Taeil.

Hendery: Hey, Taeil hyung. Can I talk to you for a bit?

Taeil's response came quickly, showing his usual warmth.
Taeil: Of course, Hendery. What's on your mind?

Hendery took a deep breath and began typing his thoughts, his fingers moving hesitantly over the screen.

Hendery: I just wanted to say thank you for being so kind to me since I joined NCT. I really appreciate it, and I look up to you a lot. You make me feel like I belong here.

Taeil's reply was almost immediate, and it was filled with sincerity.
Taeil: Hendery, you're a talented and wonderful person. You absolutely belong here, and I'm just glad I could help in any way. We're all here for each other.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now