Stay With Me P.67 (Yuil)💖

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The fluorescent lights of the practice room cast an unforgiving glow on the faces of the young trainees as they poured sweat and determination into their dance routine. Among them were two figures, Yuta and Taeil, who were dancing side by side, yet miles apart in their interactions.

In the early days, Yuta and Taeil had never been close. They existed within the same group of trainees, a mix of camaraderie and competition swirling around them. Yuta's tight friendship with Hansol had created a sort of barrier between him and Taeil. Yuta and Hansol were inseparable, like two halves of a whole, while Taeil often found solace in the company of other trainees.

Hansol, a lanky and affable boy with an infectious smile, was like a bridge between worlds, connecting Yuta's energy with Taeil's quiet introspection. It was a dynamic that suited them all, until it wasn't. Just as NCT 127 made their dazzling debut, Hansol's departure cast a shadow over the close-knit group, leaving Yuta adrift in a sea of disappointment and unspoken words.

As NCT 127's star began to rise, Yuta's demeanor changed. Once vibrant and boisterous, he withdrew into himself, a reserved silence replacing his former exuberance. The absence of Hansol left a void he wasn't sure how to fill. Taeil, on the other hand, saw this as an opportunity. With the bridge gone, he decided to build one himself.

He started with small gestures. A friendly smile when Yuta walked into the practice room, a nod of acknowledgment during breaks. Gradually, he found himself gravitating towards Yuta, drawn by the challenge of breaking through his wall of solitude. Taeil's own reserved nature gave him a unique insight into the complexities of Yuta's emotions.

"Hey, Yuta," Taeil would say softly, leaning against the wall as they took a breather. "You did great in that last routine. Your energy really lights up the room."

Yuta would glance at him, surprise mingling with gratitude in his eyes. "Thanks, Taeil."

The more Taeil reached out, the more Yuta's defenses wavered. A laugh shared here, a casual conversation there – it was a slow and delicate dance, a rhythm they were learning to follow. Yuta's initial skepticism began to dissolve, replaced by a growing sense of warmth he had forgotten he could feel.


One day, as they sat on the rooftop after practice, Yuta couldn't help but ask, "Taeil, why are you making an effort with me? We were never really close before."

Taeil's eyes held a thoughtful glint as he looked out over the city skyline. "Because I believe in second chances, and because I think we're more alike than we realize. I want to be here for you, Yuta, just as you were there for Hansol."

Yuta was silent, his gaze locked on Taeil's profile. The weight of those words hung in the air between them, an unspoken understanding blossoming in the stillness. Taeil's willingness to bridge the gap that had seemed insurmountable made Yuta question his own actions, his own reluctance to let anyone in.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now