Stay With Me P.72 (Tenil)💖

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the NCT dormitory. Inside, the atmosphere buzzed with a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. Members hustled and bustled, each lost in his own world of practice, writing, or gaming. But amidst the controlled chaos, one pair stood out like a well-choreographed dance routine – Ten and Taeil.

Ten, with his mischievous eyes and a smile that could light up the darkest corners of the room, had always been the prankster, the teaser of the group. Taeil, on the other hand, was a pillar of patience and calm. He had endured Ten's antics with a grace that left the others in awe.

Their bond had started from the very beginning, even before NCT's debut. Ten's playful nature had drawn Taeil in like a moth to a flame. Taeil saw beyond the teasing, recognizing the warmth and kindness that radiated from Ten's core. And Ten, in turn, admired Taeil's steady demeanor, finding solace in the presence of someone who could ground him.

As the months turned into years, their friendship deepened, evolving into something more. They had managed to keep their relationship under wraps, allowing their emotions to develop away from the prying eyes of the world. It was a beautiful secret, a precious bond that they nurtured like a fragile flower.

But despite the change in dynamics between them, Ten's teasing nature hadn't wavered. He continued to sneakily trip up his fellow members with witty remarks and playful pranks. And Taeil, in his gentle wisdom, laughed it off every time, letting the good-natured banter wash over him.


One lazy afternoon, however, things took an unexpected turn. The members had just finished a rigorous dance practice session, and they sprawled across the living room, their energy spent. Ten sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone with a grin on his face, occasionally glancing up to exchange knowing looks with Taeil.

Taeil, seated nearby, had his attention focused on a book. He chuckled softly at Ten's antics, his eyes twinkling with affection. But today was different. Today, a mischievous idea had planted its seed in Taeil's mind – an idea to turn the tables on Ten, to surprise him with a taste of his own medicine.

As the afternoon stretched on, Taeil's resolve grew stronger. He closed his book and set it aside, exchanging a meaningful glance with Johnny who was seated across the room. The plan was set in motion.

"Hey, Ten," Taeil called, his voice deceptively innocent.

Ten looked up from his phone, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. "What's up, Taeil?"

Taeil's lips curved into a smile that held a touch of devilry. "You know, Ten, I've always admired your ability to find humor in the little things. You have this way of making everyone laugh, even in the toughest moments."

Ten raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Taeil's sudden introspection. "Well, you know me, Taeil. Laughter is the best medicine."

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now