Stay With Me P.73 (Lueil)💖

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The neon lights of Seoul shimmered through the night as the members of NCT gathered at their dorm after a long day of rehearsals and schedules. Among them was Lucas, a tall and boisterous member known for his infectious energy, and Taeil, a reserved and soft-spoken vocalist who often lingered on the edges of the group dynamics. Their paths had rarely crossed before, two distant stars orbiting the same constellation but never quite colliding.

Taeil had always been more of an observer than an active participant in the group's interactions. He was content to watch from a distance, his thoughts like constellations scattered across the canvas of his mind. He had never paid much attention to Lucas until NCT 2020, when the larger-than-life personality of the Chinese-Thai idol suddenly burst into his awareness.

As Taeil watched Lucas from across the room, he couldn't help but be drawn to the way Lucas effortlessly lifted the spirits of those around him. His laughter seemed to echo like the melody of a cheerful song, filling the room with an infectious rhythm that was impossible to resist. Taeil's introspective nature found itself contemplating the significance of Lucas' role within the group. Was Lucas aware of the impact he had? Did he realize that his very presence was a beacon of positivity for the others?

It wasn't long before a storm cloud cast its shadow over Lucas' otherwise sunny disposition. Rumors and hate began swirling around him like a tempest, a storm that threatened to drown out his laughter and dim his radiant smile. Taeil watched as Lucas faced this adversity with a mixture of bravery and vulnerability. The struggle etched itself onto Lucas' features, and Taeil couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy deep within his chest.

Taeil's introspection turned into concern. The distance that had once separated him from Lucas began to close, step by cautious step. He found himself seeking Lucas out in quiet moments, offering a small smile or a nod of understanding. He listened more carefully to Lucas' words, attuning himself to the nuances of his emotions. It was as if Taeil had become a silent observer of Lucas' struggle, a constellation offering its own quiet support.

One evening, as the city lights painted the sky in shades of twilight, Taeil found himself sitting next to Lucas on the rooftop of their dorm. The wind carried the scent of blooming flowers, a juxtaposition against the weight of their conversation. Lucas gazed out at the cityscape, his expression a mixture of vulnerability and resolve.

"It's hard, you know," Lucas said softly, his voice carrying a weight that went beyond his words. "All the hate and's like a storm that just keeps hitting me."

Taeil turned his gaze towards Lucas, the city lights dancing in his eyes. "You're not alone in this, Lucas."

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Lucas' lips. "Yeah, I know. It helps having you guys here."

Their conversation was a fragile bridge, a connection built on shared vulnerability. Taeil felt a surge of empathy for Lucas, his heart aching at the thought of the struggles he faced behind the scenes. The rooftop became a sanctuary for their conversations, a place where they could share their fears and hopes under the vast expanse of the night sky.

Stay With Me (Short One-Shots) (NCT X NCT)Where stories live. Discover now