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==========00- Prologue Best friends brother- Pretty Little Liars "I'm going to miss this place"- Leah Hart==========

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00- Prologue
Best friends brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I'm going to miss this place"- Leah Hart

Leah Hart was in the Hastings' barn with her friends Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Hanna marin and Emily Fields. They were waiting for Alison DiLaurentis when the power turned off.
"Wow. What happened?" Leah asks as they all turn on their flashlights.
"It must be the storm." Spencer replies.
"Guys, somethings out there." Aria whispers looking at her friends.
"Guys." Hanna says scared as she looks towards the barn door which was open.
The five girls all huddle together with their flashlights in hand a walk towards the door. They all scream as they hear a window smash. They continue to walk closer breathing heavily. Out of nowhere Alison jumps out causing them all to scream as she laughs.
"So not funny, Alison." Leah tells her as they all giggle and walk towards the seats.
"I thought it was hilarious, girls." Ali says teasingly nudging Leah in the shoulder playfully.
"Ali, did you download the new Beyonce?" Hanna asks as she sits don.
"Aghhh. Not yet." Ali replies once she had sat down.
"I'm loving her new video." Emily tells the group.
"Maybe a little too much, Em." Ali says causing Emily to get uncomfortable and the others to laugh not understanding what Ali had actually meant. Ali then picks up a glass and hands it to Leah. "Your turn."
"Go on." Aria says in a singy voice as Leah takes the cup before taking a sip.
"Careful, Leah, take to much and you' ll tell us all your secrets." Spencer says causing leah to look at her with a smile and to shrug her shoulders.
"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close." Ali tells the other 5 girls before looking at Leah. "Drink up."
Leah looks at her and smiles before having a drink as the rest of them laugh.

The next morning Leah wakes up to see Spencer and Ali gone.
"Aria." Leah whispers shaking Aria who was asleep next to her on the floor.
"Yeah?" Aria whispers back.
"Do you know were Ali and Spencer are?" Leah asks in a whisper causing Aria to sit up and look around.
"No I don't." Aria whispers before turning to Emily who was sleeping on the couch. "Em."
"Woah." Hanna who was sleeping on another couch says waking up after Leah had shaken her. "Wheres Ali and Spencer?"
"We don't know." Leah replies.
Aria and Leah then get up and walk towards the barn door which was still open.
"Ali?" Aria calls as she sees Spencer outside.
"She's gone." Spencer replies walking towards the barn.
"What do you mean shes gone?" Leah asks with a shaky voice.
"I've looked everywhere for her." Spencer tells her. "I think I heard her scream."
_____End Flashback_____

One year later...

Aria's P.O.V
After a year away in Iceland me and my family were back home in Rosewood in our old house and I was in my old room standing looking in mirror while there were boxes piled up. It had been a year since Ali Disappeared. But not only did Ali disappear. Leah went missing a few days later. Ali and Leah going missing was a reason why me and my family moved to Ireland to get away from all the drama. I will always be known as one of the girls who was friends with the two girls who went missing but I had to move. If I was going to live in Rosewood I would have to move on.

"Aria, are you ok?" My mum asks standing in the doorway to my room.
"It's werid to be home." I answer going and sitting on a box.
"We were going for a year. When your 16 thats a long time." My mum tells me.
"I still think about them everyday." I reply.
"I know. Mike thinks about her everyday as well." My mum says refereing to Leah as she walks over to me. "Why don't you call your friends? They don't know we are back from Dads' sabbatical."
"On the news they are calling it the anniversary of Alisons' disappearance, like its a party or something. No mention of Leah at all." I says. "You think they would mention her if they mention Ali."
"I know." My mum responds.
"People say she just went to visit family." I say. "I hope thats true. But at the same time I don't know what to think."
"Why don't you give them a call." My mum says refereing to Spencer, Hanna and Emily. "You six were inseparable. And those feelings don't just go away."
"I need a ride to lacrosse." Mike says coming over to my door before walking away again as mum hands me my phone.
Me and mum look at eachother as I laugh.
"I'll take him." I tell my mum before we head downstairs.

Me and mum go downstairs to see Mike looking for his stuff.
"Got lacrosse today?" My dad asks Mike as me and mum enter the room.
"It's first tryouts and all my stuff is in about 100 boxes." Mike replies.
100?" My mum ask causing Mike to look at us.
"You know what I mean." Mike says as her continues to look.
"Come on lets' go look in the garage." My mum says before her and Mike leave.
I put my bag on my shoulder as my dad walks up to me.
"Listen, I know coming back here brings up a lot of memories." My dad says. "you ok?"
"Dad." I say quickly. "I'm still kepping your secret, ok?"
"I meant, are you ok with Alison and Leah." My dad tells me.
I stay silent not really knowing what to say as Mike walks past. I give my dad one finale look before following Mike outside.


Leah's P.O.V
Today was my last day in Hawaii before I move back to Rosewood. I am leaving later tonight but wont be in Rosewood until the early hours of tomorrow. It was the weekend so luckily I didn't have to spend my last day here at school. Me and my friends were at the beach. Over the year that I have been here I have learnt how to surf. So me and my friends brought our surfboards with us and were surfing. After a hour we go back to land to get a drink.

"I can't believe you are leaving tomorrow." My friend Lillian says as we all pick up our drinks.
"Actually I'm leaving tonight." I correct her.
"Still. You are leaving." Elliot says. "Just promise not to forget about us."
"How could I?" I ask with a laugh. "You guys helped me when I was at my lowest. I could never forget about you. And I promise to come visit as long as you come and visit me."
"Duh. We are just going to randomly show up at your house one day." Lucy tells me causing me to laugh.
"Looking forward to it." I say with a smile. "I'm going to miss this place."
"Well this place is going to miss you to." Jacob who happens to be my ex boyfriend says.(It was a mutral breakup and we are still friends. No awkwardness)
"Well I think we have done all the surfing we can today. Why don't we go back to mine and we can get chnaged then walk around town?" I suggest.
"Well its your last day here. You're deciding what we do. So if you want to do that then we will do that." Carson tells me.
"Ok lets go." I say before we all pick up our bags and surfboards and walk back to mine.

Luckily for us walking around Hawaii with surfbaords isn't that werid so we didn't get that many weird looks. We make it back to my grandparents and get changed before we all head out to go down to the town.

Later that night I was at the airport saying goodbye to my grandparents. I had already said goodbye to my friends. Lets just say there was a lot of tears. I hug my grandparents goodbye and next thing I know I am on a plane on my way back home.

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