143- Lost without you

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==========143- Lost without youBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I want to spend the rest of my life with you Leah Hart

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143- Lost without you
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you Leah Hart."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
It's safe the say the group were worried about what was going to happen. They all haven't left my side since the sent the message. I however wasn't scared. I knew I had to be the one to do this as I was this person's next target. I was going to get hurt again. anyway so what's the point in getting someone else in trouble.
We were at Hanna's apartment waiting for me to get a message back from the person.
"Anything?" Spence asks.
"No." I answer.
"Why did you do this Leah? Anyone of us could have done it, why did you put yourself foreward for this without hesitantion?" Mike asks.
"This person was going to hurt me again, I was there next target, and I didn't want anyone else getting hurt.Besides, me and Henry are over. It's not like I have anyone besides you guys now." I tell them.
"That was Alison." Aria says coming over to us after being on the phone with Ali. "She's coming home tomorrow but Elliots going to a confrence in Chicago."
"She shouldn't be alone." Em says.
"None, of you should, until this is over." Ezra says.
"Guys, she's typing." I tell them causing them all to come over.
'If your lying I 🔫 all of you.'
"Leah, are you sure you want to do this?" Spence asks.
"We all decided this is the right thing to do." I reply.
"No, actually we didn't, you just sent the message." Ezra says.
"Yeah, well. I'm doing it." I tell them before typing.
'It's the truth. I'll call the cops.'
The person replies almost instantly.
'No police.'
"As predicted." Ezra says.
Then there was another text.
'This is between you and me.'
"Sara harvey toke the bait." Caleb says.
'I need one more day.'
Then another message.
'It'll be your last.'
"I don't like this. Not one bit." Ezra says starting to pace.
"I'll be fine." I ressure them.
"Did you read the same message we just read?" Mike asks.
"Yeah." I reply confused.
"Then how are you so calm?" He asks.
"Because I just am. I got to go meet someone, I'll be back." I tell them.
"No you're not." Ezra says.
"Oh my god!" I say annoyed.
"Leah, we're only trying to look out for you." Caleb says.
"I know. But, I'll be fine." I tell them.
"Who are you meeting and where?" Spence asks.
"I'm meeting them at the Radley." I say before leaving.

At the Radley...

Leah's P.O.V
I walk into the Radley to see people setting up for Veronica Hastings election party tomorrow. I look around until my eyes land on the two people I had come to see. I take a deep breath before walking over.
"Mom? Dad?" I ask casing them to look up and smile.
"Hey honey." Dad says as I sit down.
"I just wanted to talk to you about something." I tell them.
"What's wrong?" Mom asks.
"I don't think our relationship will ever be the same as it was. And when I go back to New York we probably won't talk again. I just wanted to let you guys know that no matter what you guys are my family. And I will always love you deep down." I explain to them.
"We'll always love you to sweetie, and we are so proud of the women you have become." Dad tells me causing me to lightly smile at them.
"Thank you." I say. "I got to get going, but it was lovely talking to you again."
"You to sweetie." Mom says before I get up.
I start walking toards the exit when I see Mike and Ezra stood there.
"Of course you guys followed me." I say with a slight laugh.
"Well you have basically just handed yourself over to a creep." Mike replies.
"Well, I'm fine." I tell them before my phone goes off. "I got to go meet Caleb and Hanna."
"Let me take you." Ezra says.
"I'll be fine." I tell them before leaving.

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