85- Grave new world

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==========85- Grave new worldBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Did you miss me?"- Alison DiLaurentis==========

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85- Grave new world
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Did you miss me?"- Alison DiLaurentis

Leah's P.O.V
I was getting ready for the party in Ravenswood. Spencer had got a room at a hotel on the outskirts of the creepy toown just incase we leave the party and it's to late to drive home. I was in the bathroom getting ready while the other girls where in the main room getting ready. To be honest I just needed some time alone to get my head around the fact that Alison is still alive and we may see her tonight.
I had just finished doing my hair and I was about to start my makeup when my phone went off. I checked the caller ID to see that it's Mike.
"Hey." I say answering the phone and putting it on speaker so I could start my makeup.
"Hey. Where are you?" Mike asks.
"What do you mean?" I question.
"We were meant to meet up 20 minutes ago and you still haven't shown up." He answers.
Shit. I forgot I was meant to be meeting up with him.
"Mike, I am so sorry. I completely spaced. Me and the girls where invited to a party in another town by someone Emily went to Hadi with." I tell him. "I am so sorry. Rain check?"
"Oh, uhm. Yeah, yeah, of course." He says sounding really sad.
"Mike I am so sorry." I tell him.
"No. No. Don't worry it's, uhm... it's ok. Have fun. I'll see you tomorrow or the day after or whenever." He says before hanging up.
I feel so bad. I know I always ditch Mike and I feel aweful every single time, but I don't have a choice. It's not like I can just leave when we are doing something about 'A'. Espeically today when I may be able to see my best friend again.
"Hey Leah. You almost ready? We need to go." I hear Spence say from the other side of the door.
"Yeah, coming." I say as I finish my makeup before leaving the bathroom.

Ravenswood graveyard...

Leah's P.O.V
We arrive at the graveyard which is where the party is.
"What kind of town throws a party in a graveyard?" Aria asks.
"Must be to honour their dead." Spence answers.
"Yeah, but can't they do that without walking all over them?" I ask.
"Guys, what if we see 'A' before we see Alison?" Em asks.
"There's five of us , there's only one of him." Spence says.
"Um, yeah, and that him might be carrying a weapon." Aria says.
"All we'e got are these 20 pound hats." I add.
"Well, I can't run from the enemy. This gridle is cutting off my air supply." Hann says.
"It's a corset." Spence corrects her.
"It's torture." Hann says. "People actually wore this crap? I'm never complaining again about a sports bra."
They all go in.
"Wait." I tell them.
"Leah, we have to get to Alison before 'A' does." Em tells me.
"It's not 'A' I'm afraid of." I tell them. "I don't know if I am ready to see Alison. She was my best friend, she was our best friend friend. And she made us think she was dead."
"Lea, she probably had a good reason to do that. And we already have seen her." Aria says before coming over and grabbing my hand. "Come on."
We then walk through the graveyard.

"Man, peole have been croaking in this town a long time." Hann says as we walk through the graveyard.
"It happens." Spence says as Aria stops.
"What are those?" Aria asks looking at some mushrooms. "Are those fingers?"
"They're mushrooms. Aria, get a grip!" I told her.
"Says, the one who didn't want to come in here." She replies.
"I didn'twant to come in here because I don't know if I am ready to see Alison, not because I am scared of some mushrooms." I reply causing the other three to laugh while Aria just rolls her eyes.
Hanna stops for a moment before catching us up again before my phone goes off.
"It's Ezra. I got to answer. He might be worried." I tell them.
"Just don't tell him to much." Spence says before I nod and walk away a little to answer the call.

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