144-Tick tock bitches

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==========144- Tick tock bitchesBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"Don't you dare hurt her in anyway

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144- Tick tock bitches
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Don't you dare hurt her in anyway. If you do I will kill you myself."- Caleb Rivers

Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields and Hanna Marin were digging a hole in the middle of the forest. All of them were crying."How could we let this happen?" The Montgomery asks the others. "Oh my god, poor Leah."
"Try and remember that it's what she'd want." The Hastings replies.
"No, I don't know if I can live with this." The fields tells them. "I mean, how can we bury...? There has to be another way."
"There is no other way, Emily." The Marin snaps at her.
"It was a well thought out plan but when it ends like this, it's called first degree murder." Spencer tells them.
"Look, Spencer's right. Come on." Aria says.
The four teens continue to dig the hole before they fill it in, still crying.

Four days earlier...

No ones P.O.V
A lot had happened on the day Leah Hart went missing. Toby, Spencer and Mona had found a Radley file of this women named Mary Drake, and found out Charlotte wasn't a DiLaurentis but she was in fact a Drake.
Ali had been seeing the ghost of her mother and Detective Wilden so decided to get checked into a hospital.
But nothing the Rosewood group would face over the next few days, would never amount to what Leah Hart would go through.

Aria's P.O.V
Leah had been missing for a couple hours and we finally get back to Rosewood and head to the police station.
"Toby, you speak police. You should do the talking." Caleb tells him.
"Wait Toby, your job is on the line here. Are you sure you want to be apart of this?" Spence asks.
"Are you serious Spencer? Leah's life is on the line." Caleb says.
"When you asked me for my help I said I was all in. I still am." Toby says. "Besides, I kind of owe it to Leah, she came asking for my help and I didn't. And now look what has happened."
"Alright, we're wasting time let's go." Mike says starting to walk towards the station.
"Guys, hold up." Mona tells us and we see Mrs D.
"Alison's not the only one seeing ghost tonight." I say.
"Maybe she wasn't seeing ghost at all." Ezra says.
"Unless we're under a body snatcher invasion, that's a real person." Em says.
"When the police dug up Mrs D from Spencer's backyard she wasn't just a little bit dead, she was rotting corpse dead." Hann says.
"Whoever the hell that is she was at the lost woods tonight." Mike says.
"If she's apart of this, she knows where Leah is." Ezra says, both him and Mike were visible angry. "I will beat the truth out of her if I have to."
Ezra starts to walk towards the police station and Mike follows shortly behind. I grab Mike's arm to stop him while Toby does the same with Ezra.
"No, no, no. You can't just walk in there and start throwing punches. Just give me a minute, let me find out why she is here." Toby says.
"And who is is, or what she is." Em says.

After a few moments Toby comes back out.
"She's Jessica's twin sister. Mary Drake." Toby tells us.
"From the Radley file. She's Charlotte's biological mom." Mona says.
"So why are we still standing here?" Mike asks.
"She thinks Leah killed her daughter. She's 'AD'." Ezra adds.
"Maybe, but she's one step ahead of us." Toby tells us.
"How?" Caleb asks.
"She just brought the Lostwoods, and she's in there filing a report about a break in." Toby explains.
"By us." Ezra says.
"Damn it." Caleb says.
Mine, Spencer, Emily and Hanna's phones then go off.
'A lie for a lie, an eye for an eye. The bell tolls for Leah.- AD'
We read it out to the others before the church bell starts to chime. We run to the bell tower and when we get to the bottom we look up to see Leah hanging there.
"No! No!" Ezra shouts.
We run up to the top and manage to get Leah onto the platform.
"This isn't happening." Em says as we all were crying.
I was clutching on to both Ezra and Mike.
"It's a mask." Caleb tells us as he removes it and we see a doll face.
"So where's Leah's?" Mike asks.
Emily then pulls a string and a distorted voice plays.
'You have 24 hours to give me Charlotte's real killer, or Leah dies. Tick Tock Bitches.'
Ezra checks his phone and I look over his shoulder to see the time '4:01'

At the Hasting's house...

Ezra's P.O.V
23 hours. We have 23 hours until my sister is dead.
"Ok, so my parents are about to board their post election victory cruise, so we can make this place command central." Spencer explains.
"Look, we've been trying to figure out who killed Charlotte since she died, do you really think we will solve it in under 24 hours?" Caleb asks.
"Yes, we will, because we have to." I tell him.
"This is the first time we've all been working together. That's what makes it different." Mona says.
"That and a creepy twin." Hanna says.
"Mary has to be 'AD' I mean what bigger motive is there?" Emily asks.
"She has to be working with someone. While she was running around the woods last night, somebody else dragged Leah out of that motel room." Mona points out.
"Mona's right, it's just like what Ali told Lea a 7 years ago, all of us together knew what happened to her, so all of us together, can figure out who killed Charlotte." Spence says.
"I'm sure each one of us has some idea about who did it." Mona says. "Don't we?"

In the middle of nowhere...

Leah's P.O.V
After this person had taken me they knocked me out. I was no in a barn in the middle of no where. The roof, well, there was barley anything. I was sat in the corner trying to keep warm and I was now in a tank top and pants, when I heard a fund and run to the door.
"Is someone out there?" I ask before I hear a car driving away. "No. Please. Please. You can't leave me here. Please."
I slide down the door and rest my head against it and start sobbing.

At the Hasting's house...

Mike's P.O.V
22 hours and a half. We have 22 hours and a half until Leah is gone for good. I don't even want to think about it.
We had all put a name of who we thought killed Charlotte and Mona was currently reading them out.
"Alison. Alison. Alison. No name. Mona. Spencer. Alison. Mona. Alison." Mona reads out.
"So most of us think Alison killed her sister?" Ezra asks.
"Ok, so now we need to prove she had the motive and the opportunity to murder Charlotte." Toby says.
"I don't know about the motive, but she had the opportunity." Aria says. "That night we thought it was Charlotte, but maybe it was Alison."
"How do you know it wasn't Charlotte?" Emily asks.
"Charlotte wasn't wearing a red jacket that night, and she didn't drive Alison's car home." Toby explains.
"Ali loved Charlotte, I mean, she stayed here to take care of her." Emily says. "Why would she do that to kill her as soon as she got out? Plus, Ali would never let Leah put herself in that position if she is the one who killed her."
"She's been on her best behaviour since she got back, but we can't pretend the Alison who blinded Jenna never existed." Toby points out.
"Maybe her goody two-shoes act became to much for her to handle." Mona says. "Maybe she snapped."
"Or, maybe it was self defence." Spence says. "Maybe it was Charlotte who snapped again. We all know she was upset about Alison and Elliot being together. Maybe Ali had to defend herself."
"I don't care why she did it." I tell them. "I just want to find a way to prove that she did it so we can get Leah back."
"Well, if the person who murdered Charlotte was wearing the red jacket, it would have Charlotte's blood on it." Toby says.
"We'll go to her house and look for it." Ezra suggests.
"I'm all over Mary Drake." Mona says. "I think she's the fastest route to Leah."
"I agree." Caleb says.
"We we'll work together." Mona says.
"She said she was moving into the motel." Toby tells us.
"All roads lead to the Lost Woods resort." Hanna says.
Mine, Spencer, Emily, Hanna and Mona's phones then go off.
"Oh my god, Leah." Emily says as I look over to see a photo of Leah looking terrified with dried blood under her lip.
"She looks so scared." Hanna says.
"At least she's alive." Ezra says sighing.
"You guys we have to get to her." Emily says.
"But where is she?" I ask.
"We need to find her." Caleb says.
"Here's the keys to Ali's house." Emily says handing the keys to Aria. "I'm going to Welby. And I'm not leaving without an answer. Ali has to tell me the truth."
Emily then leaves.

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