148- Along comes Mary

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==========148- Along comes MaryBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"No, I did this all the time before, I'm not going to start again now

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148- Along comes Mary
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"No, I did this all the time before, I'm not going to start again now."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
Me and Aria were waiting outside of Ali's house for her to get home as they were releasing her today. Aria had been on the phone with Em when Alison pulled up.
"Hi, we tried to get you out." Aria tells her as she walks over to us.
"It's ok. I figured it out." Ali says.
The car door then opens.
"Is that Jason?" I ask.
"Nope. Jason couldn't make it." Ali says.
"Ok, so who...?" Aria starts but cuts herself off.
It was Mary Drake.
"A cassarole and cake. Girls what a thoughtful gesture, thank you." Mary says walking up to the three of us as me and Aria give Ali I slightly shocked look.
"Just I little something in case Ali doesn't want to cook dinner." Aria says.
"And just a treat to celebrate." I add as Mary takes them from us.
"Well, we'll have to ask you around sometime to repay the kindness." Mary says. "But, for now. Alison needs her rest."
"I could use the company." Ali tells her.
"That's what you have me here for." Mary replies.
"You're staying here?" I ask.
"Doctors orders." She says.
"Terms of my release." Ali corrects. "Aunt Mary do you mind if we have a moment?"
"Of course." Mary says before walking away,
"What the hell is she doing here?" Aria asks.
"After what happened with Elliott, Welby's concerned that I will sue." Alison tells us. "She they are doing a internal investigation, and she's going to be staying with me until a social worker can review my case."
"She was helping him. In zombie makeup." I tell her.
"I ahd to get out of there somehow. Plus, it's easier to keep an eye on her here." She says. "What's going on with Jenna? Do we know why she was calling Elliott?"
"Mona's got his burner phone." Aria tells her."She's been digging around but we haven't heard..."
"Ladies, I'm sorry, but I must insist." Mary says cutting Aria off.
"Ali, do you want us to stay?" Aria asks.
"She's just going to keep on acting like a demented den-mother if you're here, leave me alone with her, I will get some answers." Ali tells us.
"I don't like this." I tell her.
"Trust me... neither do I." Ali says before walking away.
Her and Mary walk into the house and me and Aria share a look.


Leah's P.O.V
After visiting Ali I went back to the apartment for a bit before going to the Brew. I was stood with Hanna. I have forgiven her about what happened. We were stood by the table that had everything to add to your drink when we heard the police radios of the policemen behind us.
'Attention all available units. Backup at malvern station 15 North Warren Avenue. 11-24 with possible 10-57.'
"Does that mean they found Rollin's car?" Hanna asks as Spencer comes over to us.
"Yeah, an 11-24 is an abandoned vehicle and that other code is for a missing person." Spence explains.
"Yeah, expect he's not missing." I reply.
"That's how they're playing it. Did you see the article they buried in the back of the paper?" Spence asks. "The cops are withholding details."
"Does that mean we're screwed?" Hanna asks.
"No actually, it means they think he's alive and on the run." Spence tells us. "Which means they are putting together the pieces we want them to. Just keep your head down and we will be fine."
"Ok, well I'm going up to Ezra's apartment to check on everything." I tell them before walking up the stairs.

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