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==========06-HomecomingBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "You look gorgeous, Leah

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Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You look gorgeous, Leah."- Mike Montgomery

Aria P.O.V
I was laying in my bed listening a few days after the fight with Ezra. I didn't want to get up and just wanted to be left alone. But I knew that wasn't going to happen when the girls walked into my room.
"Hey." Leah says taking my earphones out.
"Mm, what are you doing?" I ask.
"An intervention." Spencer answers.
"We brought takeput and rag mags." Emily says throwing some magazines into the bed.
"But you cannot have any of those until you get out of these sweats." Hanna tells me.
"Why? What's wrong with these?" I ask sitting up.
"Nothing." Spencer replies.
"Execpt they are starting to graft to your skin." Leah adds.
"Well their comfy." I respond.
"Yeah, so are mom jeans and platform filp-flops." Hanna says.
"Plus, how are we going to help you choose a homecoming dress, if you don't try some on for us?" Emily asks.
"That's easy. I'm not going." I answer.
"What do you mean you're not going?" Hanna asks.
"You can't just not go." Spencer says.
"What are you doing instead?" Emily asks.
"I don't know." I say before flipping through the magazines. "I guess I'll just read these and then inhale a gallon of chunky monkey."
"Hey, look, cutting yourself off from the rest of your life is not going to help your parents." Leah tells me. "And besides, they still might work it out."
"They're barely speaking to eachother." I say.
"People get angry. They blow up. Doesn't mean it's over." Emily says.
"Emily, they didn't blow up over her dad missing their anniversary. He slept with one of his students." Hanna replies before looking at me. "Sorry."
"I'm just saying things can look over on Friday, and by Monday all is forgiven." Emily says. "Some things just take time."
I nod and give her a samll smile before saying. "Yeah, maybe."
"Ok, so you're coming!" Spencer says before trying to pull me off the bed.
"Come on." Leah says helping Spence.
"I'll think about it." I say standing up.
"If you're not coming, can you at least cast a absentee ballot?" Hanna asks as I go to sit down in a chair. Hanna's comment causes Leah to scoff. "What? I need her vote."
"Hanna, stop already! You got homecoming queen locked down." Spencer tells her.
"Really? You can rig the election?" Hanna asks.
"Sorry, I have enough to do already, thanks." Spencer says. "I'm head of the committee, half of which is out sick with the flu, so I'll be restocking the ice and refilling the hummus bowl, and trying to look cute for my first offical date."
"With Alex?" Leah asks.
"Wait, you're bringing him to homecoming?" I ask. "So, this is real?"
"Look at her blush!" Hanna says as Spencer goes all shy.
"Stop." Spencer says as we all laugh.
"Damn! Now I have to come." I say.
"Seriously, you guys, he's not going to know anyone there, so can youur best and make him feel included?" Spencer asks.
"No, we were planning on freezing him out." Hanna says jokingly.
"All right moving on. Em, who are you going to bring?" Spencer asks.
"I think I'm going to go stag." Em replies.
"I will, to." I say.
"Why don't you go together?" Leah suggests. "OH, you'd make such a cute couple."
"How did I just go from wearing mom jeans to being Samantha Ronson?" I ask.
"Who cares who anyone goes to this thing with. I mean, it's just a dance." Hanna replies before looking at Emily. "You should bring someone you have fun with."
"I might want to go with someone. I just don't want people thinking it means more than it does." Emily answers.
"Are you and Ben back together?" Leah asks.
"No, no, of course not." Emily answers.
"So, who's the mystery dude?" I ask.
"I'm starving." Hanna says before Emily could answer.
"I wish I could come." Leah says. "It sucks being a whole year below."
"One of Sean's friends don't have a date. I can ask Sean to asks him if he can go with you. Then you can come." Hanna tells her.
"Really?" Leah asks.
"Of course. It would be nice to have you there." Hanna says.
"Thanks." Leah says before Hanna gives her a small smile.
We all grsb some food and Hanna grabs the bag of fortune cookies and opens one.
"What's wrong?" Em asks seeing the look on Hanna's face.
"Bad fortune?" Leah says in a teasing tone.
"Yeah, confucius says 'stop being such a drama queen.'" Spencer says jokingly.
Hanna looks at us before looking back to the fortune.
"Lions and tigers and bitches, oh my! There's no place like homecoming. See you there. 'A'" Hanna reads out.
Leah grabs the bag and opens multiple more to find the message in all of them. We all look at eachother.

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