50- Kingdom of the blind

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==========50- Kingdom of the blindBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "You weren't the only one in that house Jenna

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50- Kingdom of the blind
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You weren't the only one in that house Jenna. I nearly died trying to save you."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I stood outside the school with the girls while we watched Jenna reading one of her books which were in brail.
"God, what a performance." Hanna says.
"Can you imagine faking it for so long?" Em asks.
"What do you think she's planning?" Aria asks.
"That's what you have to find out." Spencer says.
"Whatever it is it can't be good." I say.
"Why me!" Aria asks Spencer.
"She trust you. Or at least she wants you to think that she does." Spencer says.
"That's great... awesome." Aria says jokingly.
"I'll trade you Mona for Jenna." Hann says.
"No thanks." Aria says.
"I think I felt safer when Mona wasn't talking." I tell them.
"Me to." Em agrees.
"She's locked away. She can't do anything." Hann says.
"She tried to push me of a cliff. All because she wanted to be with my boyfriend." I point out.
"Fair point." Hann says.
"There she goes." Spencer says causing us to look at Jenna who was getting up and pretending to use the stick to help her walk.
"We should push a table in front of her and see what happens." Hanna says.
"God, Hanna. You have all the subtlety of a hand grenade." Spence says.
"Thank you." Hanna says with a smile causing me, Aria, Em and Spence to look at eachother confused.

After a couple minutes we head inside.
"Has your mom said anything to you about taking Garrett's case?" I ask Spence.
"Not yet, but Melissa's coming home tomorrow, so she'll probably tell both of us at the same time." Spence replies. "Cos thats how it works in my family... we keep the ones- on- ones to a minimum."
We then hear vice principal Hackett shouting at Lucas and Lucas round the corner and runs into us before walking the oppisite direction with Hanna shortly following him.


Leah's P.O.V
I walked into the cafeteria with Mike and I see the girls sitting at a table. Aria spots me and gestures for me to come over.
"I think my sister needs you." Mike says seeing Aria.
"Yeah. I'll be back in a minute. Wait for me." I tell him.
"Of course." He says pecking my lips before I smile at him and walk over to the girls table.

"Hey guys." I say.
"Hey sit down. I need to tell you something." Aria says.
"I told Mike that I will be back. So I can't stay long so I will just stand." I reply.
"Ok." Aria says before she explains what happened with Jenna earlier.
"Wait, 'look in the eye'?" Spencer asks.
"That's what she said." Aria replies.
"That opens a whole new dimension of creepy." Hann says.
"Toby found her eye drops, and Garrett's, in jail." Em says.
"Maybe she's getting careless at hiding things." I say.
"Yeah, like that other earring." Hann says.
"If you find that case closed. Jenna is working with this 'A'." Spencer says to Aria.
"It's not just the earring we have to worry about." Aria says.
"Whoever opened Ali's grave will find all the keepsakes we put inside that coffin." I say.
"We'll figure this out Lea, I can snoop and play keyboard at the same time." Aria says.
"Maybe thisis a trap." Em says.
"I'm also pretty good at running." Aria says causing us to laugh.
"Do you remember when she knocked over that beehive?" Hanna says before Em's phone goes off.
"It's your mom." Em says looking at Aria. "She posted the grades for that make-up test. Might as well get that over with."
"I'm sure you did great Em." I ressure her.
"Wait a minute, you knoked over that beehive." Spencer says to Hanna.
"Yeah, but it's a better sotry if she did it." Hanna says.
"No this can't be right." Em says causing us all to look at her. "I got a 94 on the test."
"Whoa." Spence sayys.
"She I told you you did great." I say smiling.
"Wish I was able to get 90s." Hann says. "And you know what Em? Don't go all Spencer on your grades."
"Excuse me!" Spencer says.
"I couldn't have gotten that. I didn't even finish the test." Em says.
"So it was a mistake." Hann says.
"But you don't think it was a kistake." Aria says seeing the look on Emily's face.
"The last thing I need right now is people thinking I cheated." Em says.
"Wait Em, you think someone went into the school computer and boosted your grade?" I ask.
"Someone in particular?" Spencer asks.
"Wait, are we getting a little paranoid right now?" Aria asks.
"You're not paranoid if someone is really out to get you." Em says.
I look over at Mike who was still stood there waiting for me while he talked to one of his friends from Lacrosse.
"I got to go. Can we do this later?" I ask.
"Sure." Spencer says before I smile at them and walk back over to Mike.

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