130- O brother, where art Thou

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==========130- O brother, where art ThouBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"We've been through hell and back

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130- O brother, where art Thou
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"We've been through hell and back. But there's no one else I would rather be dealing with this with."- Emily Fields

Leah's P.O.V
"Hi this is Alison. I'm not available to take your call. Please leave a message." Alisons voicemail says after I had tried to ring it.
"No answer." I say hanging up the call and putting my phone on Arias coffee table.
Me, Aria and Spencer were currently sat in the Montgomery living room trying to find something, anything, out about the chips 'A' had chipped us with.
"Did you find anything?" Aria asks Spence.
"Yeah, most microchips are about the size of a grain of rice all they contain is an ID number. But ours feel bigger." Spence explains while looking at the computer. "It's like 'A' modified it so it could track our every move."
"Oh my god! What is that?" I ask watching the video on the computer screen.
"Someone removing their dogs microchip. We're going to have to get it out somehow." Spence replies.
"On second though. Maybe we should keep them in." I say.
"Maybe we should." Spence says.
"Spencer, I was joking." I tell her.
"I'm not. 'A' doesn't know we know he's tracking us. That's the only edge we have over Charles." Spence replies.
My phone then goes off.
"Is that Ali? Please say it's Ali." Aria says.
"It's Mona." I say checking it. "Lesli agreed to meet us. We're on for tomorrow."
"Ok. Ali needs to be there. Charles is her brother. She needs to know he's alive." Spence says.
"Yeah, and anything else Lesli can tell us. She might know how 'A' is." Aria says.
Spence then tries to call Ali again but it goes to voicemail once again. Where is she?

At the Vanderwaal house...

Leah's P.O.V
"You promised she would be here." Hann says to Mona annoyed.
"That's what she told me." Mona replies.
"Call her again." Aria says before going over to self and turning a doll around so it was facin the wall. "Sorry this doll is freaking me out."
"I got here as fast as I could." Spence says running into the bedroom. "Where's Lesli?"
"Probably got eaten by one of her rats." I say crossing my arms.
"Lesli just messaged. She says she's made a lot of progression with her stability and she thinks this kind of confrontation might set her back." Mona says.
"Mona, I don't give a shit!" I snap Ok, I want to find out why the hell she had my dead cousin's Radley file, that by the wa, I didn't even know existed until the other night. So get her here."
"Come on, field trip." Aria says grabbing her bag. "Lesli knows who Charles is and you know where that bitch lives. Let's go."
"No ones going anywhere." Mona says. "Lesli isn't lying. That girl is one lost marble away from a major breakdown. Look, I swear, Lesli doesn't know anything else. If she did, she would tell me and I would tell you."
"The night that Bethany and Charles escaped Radley, you were with Alison. Ali told us." Spence says. "You picked her up on the side of the road and toke her to the lost woods. So maybe you saw somebody, some guy that could be Charles."
"I wish that I did. But no, I didn't see anybody." Mona says.
"What about at Radley?" I ask. "Someone you talked to stole the 'A' game from you while you were there. That's what you said."
"I know I did." She replies. "But I was on so many drugs, I didn't even know who I was talking to. I mean half of the time I thought I was being haunted by Ali, the other half of the time, I thought I was auditioning for American idol."
"Well, this is pointless. I'm going to go see Jason. Bye." I say before leaving.

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