14-Be careful what you wish for

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==========14- Be careful what you wish forBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "You know you look absolutely stunning in this lighting

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14- Be careful what you wish for
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You know you look absolutely stunning in this lighting. Not that you don't always look stunning because you do but in this lighting. There's just something different."- Mike Montgomery.

Leah's P.O.V
"She doesn't even look scared?" Aria says as we were watching the video 'A' sent us.
"Did Alison ever look scared." I ask.
We continue to watch the video a bit more until Ali's hand appears on screen.
"He pushed her, didn't he?" Emily asks.
"And all the mumbling and groaning, maybe she was grabbing the ground because she was..." Hanna adds.
"Looking for a weapon to defend herself?" Spencer asks cutting in.
"Why are you snapping at me?" Hanna asks. "I'm only trying to give your creepy brother an out."
"In- law, ok? Ian is my creepy brother- in- law." Spencer replies.
"Ok, whatever he is, he just married your sister." I reply. "And he might me a killer."
"This definitely proves that he was with her the night she died." Emily says.
"Can we just watch the video one more time." Hanna asks going to start the video again. "And figure out what they are saying?"
"No please. I can't watch that again." Emily tells her.
"Me to." I add.
"Yeah. Em and Leah's right. Let's just give it a rest." Aria tells her.
Me, Aria, Emily and Hanna go to sit down on the couch while Spencer starts at the breakfast bar.
"Is anyone else freezing?" I ask.
"I'll make some hot chocolate." Spencer says going over to the cardboards.
"Hot chocolate? What is this, camp tamarack?" Hanna asks. "We can't just sit around singing kambaya. We have to hand over that video."
"What video?" Ian asks coming into the room causing everyone to look at eachother nervously.
"Uh, Hanna rented Tootsie, but she left it at home." Spencer asks.
"Oh. Well you are welcome to hangout with us in the barn." Ian tells us as she walks round the counter causing us to all look at the laptop nervously. "You sister picked some chick flick on demand. Where do we keep the popcorn?"
"That drawer." Spencer answers.
"Oh, Emily, by the way, I've been meaning to ask you." Ian says walking towards us. "You ready to trade you goggles in for a hockey stick? We could some speed in offence. Right, Spence?"
"Thanks, I'm still into swimming." Emily answers.
"Well, you wouldn't be if you saw what they skimmed out of that pool every week." Ian replies before we all smile at him awkwardly. "What's up? Did I walk into the middle chick flick." We all stay silent. "Ok I get it. No guys allowed."
He then leaves.
"God that was close." Aria says.
"Spence, how can you even sleep here, knowing he's living in your back garden?" I ask.
"We have to give that tape to the police, tonight." Em tells her.
"And where do we say we got it from?" Spencer asks.
"Forgot the salt." Ian says coming back into the room.
Spencer closes her laptop and puts her books ontop and leans against the counter. Ian gets the slat before turning around and smiling at us while leaving.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
Me and Mike walk into the school Hall to find Aria, Hanna, Emily and some other people sorting out stuff for the dance.
"Ok, does this look even?" Aria asks Hanna as her and Emily were sorting out a banner. "Earth to Hanna."
"Sorry what?" Hanna replies. "Oh, uh, yeah it's fine."
"Ok, remind me, how come you're chair of the decorating committee, and we are the ones decorating?" Aria asks.
"I'm sorting stuff out like the pay for people and that." Hanna says before she spots me. "Oh, hey Leah. Oh, and Mike?"
"Mike what are you doing here?" Aria asks.
"I was just coming with Leah. But I'm going to go get us some coffees." Mike says before turning to me and kissing me. "See you later."
"See you later." I reply before he leaves. I turn to Hann, Aria and Em who were smiling at me. "What?"
"Just never seen you this happy." Emily says.
"Shut up." I say jokingly with a laugh. "So what can I help with?"
"Hanna the printer guy needs to be paid." Sean says coming over to us. "Did you order six Baracks and no Michelles?"
"Are you kidding, tell him no Michelles, no money." Hanna says.
"Maybe you should tell. He said it's what you ordered." Sean replies.
"I'll be right back. Oh and it's a little low on the left." Hanna says before walking off.
"Can we just break her other leg?" Aria asks before her and Emily turn around..
"Hey Leah. How are you doing?" Sean asks.
"I'm doing good." I reply.
Sean then nods and walks away. I turn around to see Spencer come in.
"Hey, are we still doing this at lunch?" Spencer asks quietly.
"If by 'this' you mean taking your laptop to the police, then, yes, we are." I tell her.
"But no/one called over there right?" Spencer asks. "They don't know we're coming?"
"What's with the cold feet?" Aria asks.
"It's just..." Spencer trails off before walking more into the room. "... I was up all night thinking. What if this is a set up? 'A' could have planted that video on my laptop knowing we would hand it in."
"Guys, let's not second guess 'A'." I tell them. "We've been there. We ended up scared of Noel Kahn who turned out to just be a jealous freak looking for a better grade."
"Yeah, let's also not forget that 'A' tried to kill you for knowing too much." Spencer replies. "We could be walking into a trap.""you are already living in it." Aria tells her.
"No, Ian, might of done other stuff, but he's not 'A'." Spencer replies. "There's no way he'd want us knowing this video even exists."
"But it does, and the police need to know what happened to Alison that night." Emily tells her. "Toby gave Alison his sweater before she saw Ian, and Toby shouldn't go to jail for a crime he didn't commit."
"She's right." I tell Spencer.
"Hey, I'll drive you to the station during lunch." Aria tells her.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now