156- Hold your piece

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==========156- Hold your pieceBest Friends Brother- Pretty little liars"I've missed you so much

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156- Hold your piece
Best Friends Brother- Pretty little liars
"I've missed you so much. The thought of you and your brother is what got me through."- Nicole Gordon

Leah's P.O.V
I was going to kill Spencer, I'm obviously not actually going to. I was having my first good night of sleep since I was taken by 'AD', and she called all of us over to her place, all because the phone that went with the board game was making a baby crying noise.
We were all currently sat on her couch in the barn and what did we hear? Nothing.
"I don't hear anything." Aria says.
"Why don't you just go in the house?" Em asks.
"I can't. My mom and I..." Spence says cutting herself off, I have a feeling I knew what she was about to say. She then states to unwrap the pillow from the blanket and holds it up. Now I can hear it. "Look, I know this is just 'AD' pressing on a raw nerve, right? They're just taking the fact that I am some sort of Dickensian foundling but one of you needs to take this, or stick your fingers in my ears so that I can get some frickin' sleep because I've tried literally everything."
"Oh my god, that is so annoying." Hann says as I take the pillow.
"Why can't we just lock it up in Ali's house. I mean she's out of town this weekend, right?" I ask.
"That's a spectacular idea." Spence says.
"Actually it's unspectacular. The last thing Ali needs right now is to hear a crying baby when she gets home. She's got a lot on her plate right now." Em says.
"Why did she go away again?" Hann asks.
"Paperwork." I answer. "Apparently there's a lot of red tape when you are trying to un-marry a dead identity thief."
"Ok, officially, he's still alive." Spence reminds us.
"Well, has she officially charged her last name yet? She should." Hann says. "Alison Rollins sounds like a mouthful of muffin."
"Ezra's still in New York, right?" Em asks taking the pillow from me and handing it to Aria.
"I'm not baby-sitting this pillow by myself." Aria says handing it back to her.
"Ok, well our place is loud enough already, he snores." Em says handing it to me.
"For god sake." I say grabbing the pillow and placing it on my lap and crossing my arms over it.
"Are we still allowed to believe that Mary Drake is responsible for this?" Em asks. "I mean, I know she's your birth mother, and it's a sensitive subject but..."
"I don't think that this is her. Why would she want to taunt me with this?" Spence asks.
"Well, we could ask her if she wasn't hiding out somewhere, like a lying liar." Hann says.
"Wait." I say causing everyone to go quite. "It stopped."
"Why did it stop?" Aria asks as I start to open the pillow.
"I don't know and I don't care." Spence says.
I pull it out of the case before reading it.
"Hanna, you have to keep the phone." I tell her causing her face to drop.
"What?" She asks.
I then show them what it said.
'Play with me Hanna. AD' 


Leah's P.O.V
Me and Aria had come over to Hanna and Emily's apartment after she called us freaking out about the bad things that have been said about her and her designs on the fashion blogs.
"No names were mentioned but the scoop came from an anonymous source." Hann tells us while Caleb was on the phone."You can't spell anonymous without 'AD'."
"Well, technically there's no 'D' in anonymous, but whatever. We get your point." I tell her.
"Are you sure that it's legit?" Aria asks.
"The post has been re-blogged at least 500 times in the last hour." Hann replies. "I mean what if Claudia Gregio actually reads it. The story makes it sound like I stole from her."
"Hanna, are you sure this isn't just some blogger trying to drum up some hits with some gossip?" Aria asks.
"Blind item. Blind girl." She responds. "Probably came from Jenna. First her and her buddies try to ruin my face at the cobbler shop and now they're trying to ruin my career."
"Jenna checked out of the Radley late last night." Caleb tells us coming over.
"We have to find her." Hann says.
"We will Hanna." I ressure her.
"And I think I know how we do that, Sydney... what's her name?" Caleb says.
"Uh, Driscoll, I think." Aria says.
"Whatever." Caleb says. "Sydney helped Jenna get past us and to the blind school. She can lead us to Jenna."
"And before Jenna makes me roll the dice and gamble away my future." Hann says.
"Wait what? What dice?" Caleb asks.
""Figure of speech what's the plan?" Hann asks.
"My guess is they are in communication. She we use Sydney to track down Jenna." He says.
"How? By saying 'Pretty please tell us where Jenna is'?" I ask.
Caleb and Hanna then start to talk about something. To be honest I wasn't really listening as I saw Nicole on the Tv screen. I'm guessing Aria saw it to as she goes over and turns the TV up.
'I know it sounds obvious, but love and imagining being able to not only see Ezra. But, his little siter, who has become like my little sister again. I haven't seen her yet but I hope to soon. Being able to foucs on them really kept me tethered to something real...'
"Aria? Leah?" hann says. "You guys ok?"
"Yeah." I reply wipping my tears. "I'm going to go. But hey, uhm... I've got a premiere for another movie to go to next week. If you make me something to wear, I can help to get everything right again."
"Leah wait." Caleb says grabbing my arm as I go to leave. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"I'm fine. It's hard not being able to se her at the moment but I will soon." I say as Hanna and Caleb give me a sad look. "Come on guys, don't look at me like that. I'm fine. Really. I got to go."
I then quickly leave before they have chance to say anything else.

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