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==========EPILOGUEBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I'll forever be grateful for the friendships I have formed

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Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I'll forever be grateful for the friendships I have formed. Me, Aria Montgomery, Alison DiLaurentis. Emily Fields, Spencer Hastings and Hanna Marin. Our friendship will last a lifetime."- Leah Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
It had been 3 years since everything that happened. A lot had happened since. We have all grown up a lot.  The whole group were still in contact. Alison and Emily had gotten married a year ago, Spencer and Toby were now back together. Hanna and Caleb were still together and had their son who they called Aidan. Aria and Ezra had adopted a baby girl who they called Kathrine. As for me and Mike, we got married around 5 months after her proposed. I then gave birth to mine and Mike's daughter 10 months after the wedding. We called her Eveleigh Olivia Montgomery. Mine and Mike's wedding day was the best day of my life. All the girls were my bridesmaids besides Aria who was my maid of honour. Ezra was Mike's best man while Caleb, Toby and my cousin Louis were his groomsmen. After I had cut my parents out of my life I lost contact with all my family from Hawaii. So having Louis back has been amazing. And I was so happy he was such a big part of the wedding.

It was the day Leah Kathy Hart would become Leah Kathy Montgomery. Leah was in the hotel room with her five friends as they were getting ready. Alison DiLaurentis and Spencer Hastings were doing Leah's hair, Emily Fields and Aria Fitz were doing her makeup, while Hanna Marin was doing some finishing touches to Leah's dress. As Hanna was a fashion designer Leah couldn't think of anyone better to design her wedding dress then her best friend. And her thoughts were right. The dress was beautiful.
The dress was a plain white dress with no pattern expect for the lace at the top, it also had shoulder length arms. Her makeup was natural and her hair was wavy.
Once all the girls were ready there was a knock on the door. A few minutes later, Leah's cousin Louis Hart and Jason DiLaurentis walks into the room.
"Wow. Leah. You look beautiful." Jason says getting a few tears in his eyes.
"Thanks J." Leah says with a smile before looking at her cousin who had tears streaming down his face. "Are you crying?"
"I can't help it. You loom stunning." Louis says before going over and hugging his older cousin tightly which she happily returns.
Jason comes over as well and gives her a hug before there was another knock on the door. It once again opens this time revealing Caleb and Toby.
"God. Leah you look beautiful." Toby says as he hugs her.
"Thanks Toby." The girl replies.
"Mike is one lucky guy." Caleb says hugging her after her and  Toby had pulled apart.
"He really is." Aria agrees causing Leah to smile.
There was then a thrid knock at the door before Leah's brother walks in. The others leave to give the siblings some alone time.
"Are you crying already?" The Hart girl asks her older brother.
"You just look so beautiful." He says hugging her tightly and kissing the side of her head.
"I've got something to ask." Leah tells him.
"What is it?" Ezra questions as they pull apart.
"As you could probably tell me dad and mom aren't here."  She says causing him to nod. It's not that they just didn't decide to turn up but I just didn't invite them, But, that means my dad's not here to give me away. So what I am asking is... would you give me away?"
This causes Ezra to cry even more hugging his sister once again.
"Oh Lea." He says hugging her tightly. "I would be honoured."

It was officially the time for the wedding to start. Leah and Ezra make it t the end of the aisle and Ezra kissing the side of Leah's head and her forehead before shaking Mike's hand then standing behind him. Mike and Leah smile at eachother has the hold hands.
"You look stunning."  Mike tells her tears forming in his eyes.
"You don't look to bad yourself." Leah replies tears also in her eyes.
The initiator  starts and it eventually gets to the vows. Mike goes first.
"Leah, you have made my life the most magical, amazing, adventurous life anyone could have. And I couldn't be more thankful for it. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And the idea of ever being without you kills me, when we first met I never saw this day coming. I have always loved you but I never thought we would even get together, but now we are here, and it's our wedding day. I can't imagine anyone better then you to go through the rest of my life with. You've literally have been here for me through everything. We are partners in crime. You have been with me since the start. And I love you so much. You'll always be my number one." 
Then it was Leah's go.
"Mike, you are the one who showed me what true love is. We have been through hell and back multiple times, but there's no one else I would of wanted to do that with. No matter what happened we always managed to find our way back to eachother, and I couldn't be more grateful for that. You have helped me overcome so much, you have been there for me no matter what. Even in the worst times, I could always find you there by my side. Everything we have been through has lead to this moment, and if I had to do it all over again just so I could be with you forever then I would. You are my person Mike Montgomery. You always have been and always will be. I love you, and that will never change. You're the one I want to be my forever."
The wedding continues and it gets to the end.
"I now pronounce you Mike Montgomery and you Leah Hart , husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The initiator says before the newly married couple shares a kiss. They pull away and turn to face the crowd of their friends and family as the look at the people who were stood up there with them. Their true second family. "It is my honour to introduce for the first time. Mr and Mrs Montgomery."
Leah and Mike Montgomery share a smile before Leah hugs her sister in law and her brother before taking her husbands hand and they walk back down the aisle.
_____End of flashback_____

Leah's P.O.V
I still remembered that day like it was yesterday. I even remember Mike's parents coming up to us after the ceremony and telling me they couldn't have wished for a better daughter in law. Ezra, Jason, Caleb and Toby did all come up with the girls as well and started threatening Mike if he ever hurt me. While that was happening me and the girls were stood to the side a little bit laughing at the scene in front of us. I am really grateful for my second family.

"Ev, come on, please. can you do it for momma?" I ask my one year old daughter, who was turning two in three months, while I was trying to get her to put her sunhat on.
Mike was taking her to the beach while he met up with the rest of the group. I had a quick to go to for my new movie then I was going to be meeting up with them after.
"No!" The daughter shouts taking the hat out of my hands and throwing it onto the floor.
"Eveleigh!" I say shocked picking the hat back up. "You need to put the hat on if you want to go to the beach."
Ev eventually let me put the hat on her.
"Everything going ok in here?" My husband asks coming into the room.
"Yep. Ev's already, aren't you princess?" I say as I stand up before picking me daughter up.
"Yeah!" She cheers. "Is uncle Lou coming?"
Eveleigh absolutely adores Louis and Louis adores her to. She loves everyone, but her and Louis just have a special bond that is unbreakable, I couldn't help but smile when I see the pair of them together. 
"He's actually downstairs waiting for us." Mike says taking Ev off of me.
"I'm just going to finish getting ready then I'll be down." I tell Mike.
"Ok, babe." He says kissing me on the lips before taking our daughter downstairs.

I walk downstairs but freeze halfway down when I see two people stood there.
"Mom? Dad?" I ask as I finish walking down the stairs.
My parents then tell me that they wanted to be more present in Ev's life. I agreed that I wanted them to be as well. Mike, Ev, Lou, and my parents head to the beach to meet everyone while I head to my interview.

At the interview...

Leah's P.O.V
I was at my interview and it was nearly over.
"What would you say you are most grateful for in your life?" The interviewer asks.
"My daughter and the family  and life I have created." I answer.
"Is there anything else you are grateful for?" She asks.
"I'll forever be grateful for the friendships I have formed. Me, Aria Montgomery,  Alison DiLaurentis, Emily Fields, Spencer Hastings and Hanna Marin. Our friendship will last a life time."

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