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==========13-Can't say happy for longBest Friends Brother-Pretty Little Liars "I've been waiting so long for that

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13-Can't say happy for long
Best Friends Brother-Pretty Little Liars
"I've been waiting so long for that."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
Me and Mike had been dating for a few days now. We deicided to keep it secret for a while but today was the day we were going to start telling people. I was going round for breakfast at the Montgomery's so we can tell his family first then he was going to come to mine for dinner so we can tell my family. Then the only people to tell tomorrow is our friends.
I go and knock on the Montgomery's door and moments later Mike opens the door.
"Hey you." Mike says as he pull me into the house.
"Hey." I reply as he closes the door.
"Are you ready for this?" Mike asks.
"Yeah. I am. What about you?" I reply.
"I'm ready. I think I am more nervous for your parents he answers.
"Why are you nervous about them?" I ask with a laugh.
"I mean. Your dad did threaten me." Mike replies causing me to look at him confused and laugh.
"What? When was this?" I ask.
"When you were in the hospital." Mike answers.
"He loves you. And, you know him. He is one of the sweetest people ever. He doesn't mean it." I tell him.
"If you say so." Mike says as we enter the kitchen where his dad was.
"Morning. Oh hey Leah didn't know you would be here so early." Byron says.
"Yeah. Mike invited me over for breakfast, if thats ok." I reply.
"Of course it is." Byron says. "Why don't you guys go take a sit. Breakfast is almost done and Aria should be down in a bit."
Me and Mike nod before going and sitting next to eachother at the table. A couple minutes later Aria comes down.
"Morning." Aria says as she comes into the room.
"Ah, good morning." Bryon says walking over with some plates of food.
"Leah? What are you doing here?" Aria asks as she sits down.
"I invited her." Mike answers for her.
"How are you doing, leah? After the..." Byron goes to ask but Aria coughs cutting him off.
"I'm doing ok. Still recovering but at least I can walk again." I reply already knowing what he was talking about.
"Well that's good." Byron says as he sits down.
"Did you see mom last night?" Aria asks her dad.
"Umm... yes I did." Byron answers.
"How'd it go?" Aria asks.
"Well, what I thought was going to be a date with your mom turned into her telling me shes dating... other people." Byron answers.
I look at Mike to see that he is clearly hurt by the news.
"What?" He asks. "And you're ok with that?"
"It's not really my place to tell her she can't." Byron replies.
"That's just so you dad. You lie and cheat but you draw the line at hypocrisy. You're such a role model." Mike says before standing up and grabbing his bag before walking out.
"Mike." Aria calls after him before we hear the door closed.
"I'll go talk to him." I say standing up and grabbing my bag. "Thanks for the breakfast Mr Montgomery."
Byron nods before I leave to follow Mike.

"Mike!" I call after him as I follow him down the street. "Mike! Mike, wait up!"
I run to follow him forgetting that I could only just start walking again and not run so I fall to the ground in pain. Mike after hearing a thud turns around to look at me and runs over as soon as he sees me on the floor.
"What were you thinking?" Mike asks as he pulls me off the ground and puts my arm over his shoulder to support me.
"You weren't stopping so I thought to run after you forgetting that I can't run yet." I go to walk on the foot again but wince in pain as soon as I put pressure on it.
"Hey, hey, hey." Mike says. "Don't do that you are only going to cause yourself more pain."
"I can't expect you to help me all the way to school. And I know you won't want to go back to your house." I answer.
"Isn't Emily's house only a little while away? Like 5 minutes?" Mike asks.
"Yeah it is." I answer.
"Then I will take you there. We can see if we can get ome ice for you. Ice it for a bit then see if you can walk. If not I will carry you to school and around the school then back home." Mike replies. "I'm not letting you hurt youself all over again."
I smile at him before we start slowly making our way to Emily's while Mike supporting me all the time.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" I ask.
"Not right now." He answers. "All I care about right now is making sure you are ok. But, I am sorry that things didn't go the way we planned."
"It's not you fault." I tell him. "You were upest and I get that."
He sends me a small smile as we get to Emily's house just as Emily was walking out the door.
"Oh my god! Leah! What happened?!" Emily asks rushing over to us and putting my other arm over her shoulder so I had someone on both sides.
"It's a long story." I say as Mike and Em sit me down on the front door step and Mike sits next to me.
"Do you have any ice?" Mike asks her.
"Yeah of course." Emily says. "Let me go get some."
Emily then leaves and me and Mike look at eachother. We sit there like that for a couple moments before we both start to lean in. We were about to kiss when the front door opens again and we pull away when Emily comes back outside.
"Were you going somewhere?" I ask as emily puts the ice on my knee.
"I was going to meet Maya but I can just message her to say something came up and that  will see her at school." Emily answers.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Of course I am." Emily replies I smile at her before she finishes icing my knee then me and Mike go to school while she goes to meet up with Spencer and Hanna.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now