161- Choose or lose

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==========160- Choose or loseBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I have a plan

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160- Choose or lose
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I have a plan. But you're not going to like it."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
Me and Mike had been sitting on the couch in my apartment when the police came knocking with a search warrant. They had gone to all of our houses. Furey was also no longer on the Dunhill case, instead Detective Tanner was back and running the case.
Mike was back at my apartment keeping an eye on things while I had run over to the Brew to check on Aria and Ezra.
Me and Aria were in the actual coffee shop trying to get ahold of the girls, when the police came down with most of Aria's things with Ezra following them.
"Wait, so were exactly is the list of things you can and cannot seize?" Ezra asks. "Seriously, who do I talk to about this? Because I'm not very happy with police just barging into me and my fiance's home. As well as my sister's home and taking their stuff."
"Call the station." The women he was talking to replies before taking mine and Aria's phones out of our hands. "Just not on these. Put this somewhere were we know it is meant to go with Leah Hart's stuff."
The women puts Aria's phone in the box she was holding as she goes over and hands mine to another officer.
"I'm going to get to the bottom of this." Ezra reassures me and Aria as he places a hand on both our arms before walking between us following the cops out of the Brew.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom." I tell Aria before walking away.

After walking out the bathroom, I leave the brew. I was walking back to my apartment. I was walking through the woods that were just outside of Rosewood, I needed some time to clear my head so I decided to take the long way. While I was walking I heard a twig snap causing me to freeze. I look around ahead of me before turning around and looking behind me. No one was anywhere in sight. So where the hell did that noise come from? 


Leah's P.O.V
We weren't allowed in our houses at the moment. But Ashley Marin had given us a room to hang out in until we could go back. Currently it was just me, Caleb, Emily, Alison and Spencer there, but Hanna soon arrived.
"Hey, did your mom find you?" Caleb asks her.
"I could have climbed through a window and she would have found me." Hann replies.
"Hey, she gave us a room to hangout in  until we can go back to our houses." Em points out.
"I know. Whoever thought I'd feel bad about getting a free suite." Hanna says leaning against the edge of the sofa by Caleb.
"I bet you get free suites all the time don't you, Lea? With all the movies and shows you have filmed." Spencer says.
"Not all the time. But, sometimes yeah. Well, it's not free the company the project is with sometimes pays." I reply.
"Lucky." Hanna says.
"Anyway, I got us all these until we get our real phones back." I tell the girls handing them each a burner phone.
"This makes me really want to go to jail." Hanna says flipping the phone open.
"What're we doing to stay out of jail?" Ali asks.
"Has anyone heard from Aria?" Hanna asks.
"No." Spencer responds before holding up the burner phone I gave her. "Because she doesn't have one of these."
"I was with her and Ezra at the Brew briefly while the cops were there. But when they left I left. Haven't heard from her since." I explain. "I didn't have the burner phones at that point."
"How did you get them?" Hanna asks.
"My agent Danielle. She's keeping all of this off the media as to not ruin my career, but I told her the update so she had a bunch of these from when she was a teenager." I explain.
"Ok guys, let's stay focused." Em tells us. "We're all freaked out. Maybe me even more, considering 'AD' might have been watching me and Ali sleep last night."
Her eyes then fall to her lap as we all look at Alison and Emily shocked.
"Wait, so are you two...?" Hann asks trailing off.
The pair share a smile. That confirms it. They are together.
"Well about time." I say with a smile.
"So, I've been thinking. The game has to connect to the internet, and it does that with an IP address, which is like a phone number. I'm writing a programme right now that can search the cell towers in Rosewood. When the game connects I might be able to find it's location." Caleb explains.
The game was currently missing.
"No wonder they call you 'Too genuis, too furious." Hanna says before bending down and kissing Caleb before walking into another room.
"No one calls me that." Caleb says as we all laugh.
"Wait we ordered food?" Hanna calls from the other room.
"Yeah, before we realised none of us were hungry." Alison answers.
"Oh my god." Hann says causing us all to stand up and go into the other room.
A phone was on the plate of food.
"Is that the same one from the game?" Ali asks before the phone lights up.
'Choose or lose. Just one plea, the rest go free! No one steps up, you all go down.'
A timer then popped up. We had 36 hours.
"I don't understand." Ali says after Emily had read it.
"It wants us to choice one of us to go to jail." I respond. "Or we all go."
The door then opens and we turn to see Mona.
"You want an explanation. You might try asking Aria." Mona tells us.
"Why would we ask Aria?" Spence asks.
"Because I think she might be on the 'AD' team." Mona replies.

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