82- The mirror has three faces

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==========82- The mirror has three facesBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "It's not that I don't want to forgive you

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82- The mirror has three faces
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"It's not that I don't want to forgive you. It's that I can't."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
"I still think we should dip into those candy-striper outfits one more time." Hann says as the five of us walk around school.
"What difference would that of made?" I ask.
"Well we could have talked to Jenna instead of getting turned away at the visitors desk." Hann points out.
"Guys can you keep it down! The whole point was to sneak back." Aria says.
"I think Mr Facinelli noticed our entire row was missing." Spence tells her.
"Well, I'd still like to graduate." Aria says.
"Oh newflash, honey. None of you are graduating. Neither will I." I say before pointing an arm around Aria's shoulder.
"Not helpful Leah." Spence says.
"But hey. At least you guys will be stuck with me for another year." I say causing them all to give me a look as I remove my arm from around Aria's shoulders. "I'm joking. Jeez I didn't realise I was that bad."
"You're not. We would love to stay with you for another year." Em tells me. "But I think we all just want to get out of this town."
"I think Spence should try and talk to Shana again. See if she will say more." Hann says.
"What why?" Spence asks as we stop at my locker.
"Because, if Cece drowned Jenna, she must know the reason." Hann says as I open my locker and place my books inside.
"Wait, when did Cece get involved in this?" I ask.
"Hello! Her knowing and possibly wanting Wilden dead!" Hann says.
"And why exactly do we trust Shana?" Em asks as I grab my book for next class.
"Why do we trust Jenna?" Hann asks back.
"Alright, well I don't trust anybody, and you guys are about as quiet as a monster truck rally. Now shut up." Aria says before turning to me as I close my locker. "And why are you grabbing your book for next lesson half way through this lesson?"
"Because I'm not going back to this lessons. There's no point." I say as we start walking again.
"Fine. I'm going to the source." Hann says.
"The source?" Spence asks. "Cece's been AWOL since Wilden was alive. You not going to find her just folding pesant skirts at the diva dish right now."
"Then I will search every hipster boutiue until I do find her." Hann says as Em's phone goes off.
"No frigging way." Em says.
"What? What's wrong?" Aria asks.
"Is it an 'A' text?" I ask.
"Worse. It's my mother. Mrs DiLaurentis has offered to let us stay with her." Em tells us.
"In Ali's house?" I ask shocked.
"You're going to sleep in Ali's old bed?" Spence asks.
"No! Hell no! I'm not moving in there." Em says.
"Yes you are." Hann says. "Em, you have to. It might be our best chance to find CeCe?"


Leah's P.O.V
I was walking around school when I see Ezra struggling with the door to his classroom.
"Hey want me to give that a try?" I ask going over. "Believe or not I've picked a few locks in my time."
"That's not worrying at all." He says causing me to laugh a little. "But it's ok. I will just go back to the janitors office. Was hoping to avoid that. Second time I have down this today."
"Just stand back." I say laughing pushing him out the way slightly.
I then take a bobby pin out of my hair as I kneel on one leg on the ground and I start to pick the lock.
"I don't think thats going to..." He starts saying.
"Done." I say as the door opens.
I stand back up putting the bobby pin in my pocket.
"How did you...?" He asks trailing off.
"Don't worry about it." I say before picking up his breif case. "Here."
"Thanks." He says weridly taking the briedcase.
"What's up? You haven't really been yourself recently." I say.
"Uhm, well... Maggie's moving away and is planning on taking Malcom with her." He admits.
"Oh my god Ez..." I cut myself off seeing all the other students and teachers around. "I mean, Mr Fitz, I'm so sorry."
"Leah, you do realise you are my sister. You can call me Ezra when we are out of class." He says with a laugh.
"Right, ok. Sorry." I say with a laugh. "Where is she moving?"
"To be honest I cn't even remember." He says.
"Well, if you ever need anyone to talk to I am here." I tell him.
"Thanks Leah." He says.
"Come here." I say putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him into a hug.
The bel for class then goes off.
"You better get to class." He tells me before going to walk into the room before turning around and pointing a finger at me. "Dont be late."
"I won't. Don't worry about going all big brother on me." I say with a laugh before walking away.

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