152- Unbiological siblings make the best team

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==========152- Unbiological siblings make the best teamBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"Leah Hart? She's incredible

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152- Unbiological siblings make the best team
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Leah Hart? She's incredible. Probably the most incredible person I've met."- Jason DiLaurentis

Leah's P.O.V
"Went to New York to meet Lucas for work. Be back in a few days?" Aria reads off the text Hanna had sent the group chat.
"Do we really believe Hanna is in New York?" Emily asks.
"Her and Lucas are starting a business together." Spence points out.
"But why would she go now?" I ask. "She's the one who is convinced Noel is 'AD', and we are so close to nailing him."
"Because all we have is a bunch of circumstantial evidence." Spence answers.
"Right, which is why we need her here so we can find something more concrete." Aria says.
"Ok, I'm going to call her. Tell her to come back." Em says.
"Did Ezra get to Colombia, ok?" Spence asks me and Aria.
"Yeah." I answer. "He called when he landed."
"Any news about Nicole?" She asks.
"The authorities said they rescued four hostages, but Ezra doesn't know if any of them are Nicole." Aria replies.
"Oh my god. This must be overwhelming for him." Spence says. "And for the both of you."
"Did you get Hanna?" Aria asks going over to Em who just got off the phone.
"Went to voicemail." Em answers. "We have every reason to believe that Noel is 'AD'."
"We also know that 'AD' burned us out of the storm cellar so we wouldn't know the name of Mary's child." I point out.
"So are we saying that Noel is that child?" Spence asks.
"Well, if we can prove it. That's the evidence we need." Em says.
"Yeah, and another reason he would want to avenge Charlotte's death." Spence says.
"I did some research, turns out all adoptions of babies born at Radley, went through the county family services court." Aria says. "I'm going to go to the courthouse when it opens and find out what I can about the adoption."
"I'll try and find out where Noel lives and works, then maybe we can get some answers that way." I tell them.
"I have my swim couch interview in an hour. So I'll come back when I'm done." Em says.
"Ok." Spence says.
"Let us know if you hear from Hanna." Aria says.
"I will." Em replies before leaving.

After Emily and Spencer had left me and Aria were still in Ezra's apartment. I was looking up where Noel Kahn lived and worked while Aria was looking up more stuff about the births at Radley, there was then a knock on the door. Me and Aria look at eachother confused before I get up and answer it.
"Jason." I say shocked. " Come in. What... what are you doing here?"
"I ran into Emily at the Brew, she said we guys were up here." He says as I go over and shut my laptop after I closed the door.
"I was actually about to head out?" Aria says. "Is everything ok?"
"There was a fire at my aunt Carols a few days ago. You guys know anything about it?" He asks.
"No. I mean, why would we?" I ask.
"Apparently, Ali went out there. Detective Fury said Archer was out of the country, but I think he's still here." J tells us. "I think he followed her out there and tried to hurt her again."
"The fire was an accident." I say after giving Aria a brief look.
"So you were with her?" He says.
"Yeah. She asked me not to say anything." I tell him.
"Why not?" He asks.
"We found some of your moms personal things in a bunker." I tell him.
"What things?" He asks.
"I've got to head out. I'll leave you guys to talk." Aria says before leaving.
"Leah, please. I just want to make sure you and Ali are safe." He says putting his hands on the top part of my arm.
"We found some paperwork, it confirmed that your mom was in charge of Mary's care at Radley." I tell him. "She oversaw Charlotte's adoption... and Mary's other child's adoption to."
"What other child?" He asks.
"That's all we were able to read before the fire started." I explain. "Now Mary won't answer any of Ali's calls and she's not stay at the Lost Woods."
"I'm sure there were more secrets. And I'm guessing my mom was killed because of one of them." Jason says.
"I promised Ali I would find out anything I could about the adoption. I owe her that, after everything she's been through. Aria was just going to the courthouse and I was thinking of joining her."
"They won't give you guys information." He says.
"Why not?" I ask.
"You're not a relative." He replies.
"No. But you are." I point out.
"I think I know, what you are getting at and I'm in." He says.
"Really?" I ask. "Thought it would take more convincing."
"This second child of Mary's could have been the one to take you to get Charlotte's killer. And I want to help find that person so it doesn't happen to you again." He says causing me to smile.
"Ok, come on." I say grabbing my bag patting his shoulder before walking out the door.

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