76- Face Time

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==========76- Face TimeBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Why did you and mom never tell me this? How could you never tell me?"- Leah Hart ==========

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76- Face Time
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Why did you and mom never tell me this? How could you never tell me?"- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
Today was the day I was going to be doing the big test that the girls had cancelled due to the storm. Which was the time Mike had hated me. I am so happy that we managed to fix things between us.
I was sitting in my kitchen with the girls as they heled me revise.
"God. I swear we never learnt like half of this stuff." I say closing the textbook.
"They wouldn't of put it in the test if you never learnt it." Spence tells me.
"Well it saw as hell feels like they have." I reply.
"How long until you have to be at the school?" Hann asks.
"An hour." I reply.
"It sucks that we can't all come and support you like you did with us." Hann say.
"I know. But hey, me going was only one extra person, if you guys came it would be four." I point out.
"And I'm still going." Aria says.
"To support Mike." I say.
"And you." She corrects me.
"Has anyone seen or heard from Em?" Spence asks.
"'A' called social services on her mom." I explain.
"Will she be in school tomorrow?" Aria asks.
"Don't know. Haven't talked to her since this morning when she called me to wish me luck." I answer.
"Leah, honey. It's time to leave to go to the school." My mom says coming into the kitchen.
"Ok, mom. Why so early?" I ask.
"Well, I was thinking we could stop by and get a drink at the brew before." She answers.
"Sure." I Replies.
I pack away my things and put everything I need into my backpack. We all head out and while we stood outside the car all the girls give me a hug.
"You'll do great." Spence ressures me.
"Call us when it's over to let us know how it goes." Hann adds.
"Will do." I tell them.
My mom had offered Aria a lift as she was also going so the three of us get into the car and mom starts driving away while Spence and Hann wave goodbye to us.

At the school...

Leah's P.O.V
"I wish there was a storm to cancel this test." I say jokingly to Aria and Mike.
I was stood in front of my locker which was open while Mike was also stood in front of his locker which was also open. Aria was leaning against the locker which was the other side of mine.
"Same here." Mike says.
"You guys will be fine." Aria says.
"I hope so." I respond.
"Your Leah Hart. Your one of the smartest people in our year." Mike says causing me to smile.
"I'm really not." I reply.
"Yes you are." He responds.
"God, can you guys stop flirting for like 1 minute?" Aria asks seeing the way me and Mike were looking at eachother.
"Aria!" Me and Mike say at the same time causing the three of us to laugh.
"Have you guys heard there's a new kid joining the school in a couple weeks?" Aria asks.
"No. How do you know this?" I ask.
"I have my ways." She says with a smirk. "I'm going to go get something from the vending machine. You guys want anything?"
We both say no before Aria leaves.
"So, how's things at home?" Mike asks me.
"There ok. Still a bit werid without my dad there but I'm getting use to it slowly. I sill get to see him though so it's not like it's a major change." I answer.
"What do you normally do with you dad up in Philly?" He questions.
"Well, as it's the weekend so if it wasn't for this stupid test I would be up there with him now. Let's just say I would probably be playing video games with one of his new work collegues sons." I answer.
"Your friends with you dad work collegues son?" Mike asks.
"Yeah." I say before looking at him seeing the look on his face. "Don't get jealous, Montgomery. You'll always be my favourite."
"I don't know what you talking about." He says closing his locker and turning to face me.
"Really?" I ask closing my locker as well turning to face him.
"I'm not jealous." He says stepping closer to me.
"Are you not?" I ask our faces now inches apart.
"Oh... I see Montgomery and Hart are back together." Someone says causing me and Mike to look to find Jenny, Isabelle, Jessica and Macy, the girls I hung out with when I wasn't hanf=ging out with Aria, Spence, Hann and Em.
"We're not back together." I tell them.
"Well, it sure as hell looked like it." Macy says bitchingly.
"We're not." Mike repeats.
"Whatever you say. Your bound to get back together at some point though." Isabelle says in the same tone as Macy.
"We got to go. Good luck on the test." Jenny says in the same tone again.
They then walk away.
"They are such bitches." I say leaning against my locker.
"I don't know why you were ever friends with them." Mike says copying my posture on his own locker.
"Same here." I say with a laugh.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now