48- What happened 'that night'

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==========48-What happened 'that night'Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I love you to

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48-What happened 'that night'
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I love you to. And, it will be ok. We'll get through this together."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
It was five months after we had found out that Mona was 'A'. It was also five months since Maya died. Over the summer everyone at school had found out about what had happened between us and Mona.
Me and the girls were hanging out at Spencer house. It was the end of summer and the give of us were having a small party before school started up again for the year. I was at the windoe looking out at the storm before turning back around to go sit back down with the girls.
"Em, you and I are the only ones who did anything worth talking about this summer. Aria toke some boring picture class, Spencer went to college and Leah just spent most of her summer with Mike or Jason." Hanna says
"I toke a full load at Hollis, Mike is Leah's boyfriend and Jason is pratically her brother, and Aria beat out a thousand applicants for a space in that photography class." Spencer points out.
"So, how many houses did you build?" Hanna asks Em ignoring what Spencer just said completely.
"Uh, I think we finsiehd about six" Em replies.
"And in poor countries, one house is like a home for 50." Hann says.
"Ok. Miss productive." I say jokingly. "How much of your list did you actually do?"
"Let's see..." Hanna says pulling oout her list. "Cooking class with Caleb. Done. Vounteer at a rescue shelter for pocket dogs."
"Wait that exists?" Me and Spence ask at the same time.
"Did not do." Hanna says. "Expand my vocabulary. Effectuating. Intern for Vera Wang."
"You got a internship for Vera Wang?" Em asks.
"Yeah, I changed my mind." I reply. "Turns out they want you to work for free."
A door open and closes.
"Was that a car?" Aria asks.
"No. It's just the wind." Hann says.
"Hey how did Mike take the whole 'A' thing I haven't talked to him or you about it yet." Aria asks me.
"I haven't told him. I don't know how I am meant to. I just told him that Mona had been suffering for some time and that night she just snapped." I answer.
"Just tell him. He will support you. If it's eaiser I can tell him." Aria says.
"No. I want to be the one to tell him if that's ok." I say causing Aria to nod with a smile as Em pours more alchol into her drink.
"Hey, Em. Careful. There already pretty strong." I tell her.
"Maybe for you, you're a pixie. I've gotten really good at this." Em replies drunk.
All our phones then go off causing us all to look at them.
"Show me your boobs. 'A'." Spencer reads jokingly.
"Does Mona have a younger brother?" I ask.
"'A' for annoying." Em says.
"Are these ever gonna stop?" Hanna asks.
"Eventually we'll be old news." Spencer says.
"Yrah, then Garrett will go on trail, and we will be news again Mona will start talking and we'll be news again." Aria says.
"Or I'll show someone my boobs and we'll be news again." Em says jokingly but there was a hint of seriousness.
"Ok!" Spencer says as we all laugh and she grabs the flask Em had the alchol in.
"Hey, I thought this was a party." Em says reaching her hand out for the flask.
"You know what, Em. You're right." Hann says before rasing her cup. "Welcome back."
"And you're never allowed to leave for the entire summer again." I add.
"To making it to senior year." Spence says.
"Hear." Aria shouts as me, her, Spence and Hann clinck our cups together.
"Not all of us made it." Em says.
"I'm sorry, Em. I didn't mean it like that." Spencer tells her.
"To Maya." Em says.
"Em, you know we are hear for you, right?" I ask her grabbing her hand supportively.
"To Maya." We all say.
We talk for a while before slowly falling asleep.

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