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==========09-StormBest friends brother- Pretty Little Liars "Why would you say that to her, Mike

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Best friends brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Why would you say that to her, Mike."-Aria Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
The girls were doing a big test today and I was coming in for moral support until they were going to do it as I wasn't allowed to be here when they did it. But, the rest may be cancelled because of the storm that was going on at the moment.
Me,Spencer,Aria and Hanna walk into the school with Spencer's mom.
"You don't have to come inside, Mom." Spencer tells her mother."if it were cancelled, nobody would be here."
"Oh, excuse me. Hi." Spencer's mim says getting someone's attention. "Are they actually going to give this test today?"
Spencer's mum starts walking with the women who she was talking to as we stop of at the girls lockers. I look over and spot Alex.
"You didn't say Alex was taking the test here, too." I say causing Spencer to look as well.
"Why do you think I wanted my mum to drop us off and leave?" She asks.
"Hey you." Alex says walking over to us.
"Hi." Spencer replies.
Me, Aria and Hanna smile at eachother as Spencer and Alex kiss then we see her mum coming.
"Spence..." Aria says getting Spencer to pull away from Alex.
"Nobody here can make a decision to save their life. It's absurd." Mrs Hastings says.
"Um, mom?" Spencer says. "This is Alex Santiago. Alec this is my mother." Her mother stays silent and looks a bit shocked. "Alex, that I went to homecoming with?"
"Of course. Hi. From the club." Mrs Hastings replies.
"Yeah." Alex says.
"It toke me a minute to put it together." Mrs Hastings tells him. "So, you're Alex."
"Listen, uh, I need to check in." Alex says looking at Spencer then her mother. "Nice, seeing you. Meeting you."
"Test is on today." The teacher Mrs Hastings says coming over to us as Alex leaves. "Rosewood students should register in the library."
"But, like half the school isn't even here yet." Hanna replies.
"And they may never make it. We saw this huge tree down on Sawmill Road, and they've already closed of York Street."
"That wasn't because of a tree." Wilden says from behind her before walking up to us as the teacher walks away. "York streets been closed since last night."
"Why?" I ask.
"Somebody decided to pay a visit to Alison DiLaurentis's memorial, and destroy it. Shattered the tiles, broke the bench."
"W...when did this happen?" Spencer asks.
"We had to cordon off the area, given it's an ongoing murder investigation." Wilden tells them.
"Well maybe you can spear them the details. These three are about to take their SATS." Mrs Hastings says gesturing to Aria, Spencer and Hanna.
"Right, good luck on the test, ladies." Wilden says before walking away.
"We should probably get to the library." Spencer says.
"I'll go get you guys some drinks and meet you there." I tell them before they nod then walk to the library while I go to the canteen to get them some drinks.

Emily's P.O.V
I was at my locker getting ready to go sign in for my SATs when Detective Wilden comes up to me.
"Still haven't heard from Toby, huh?" Wilden asks.
"No." I answer.
"Well, let me know when you do." He tells me. "Alison's memorial was vandalised last night. And Toby was spotted at a gas station just off a interstate a few days ago, so clearly he's still with us." I stay silent and grab my bag. "But why would he run away if he didn't have anything to hide? Any idea where he might be staying?"
"I don't know anything about it." I answer going to walk away.
"Maybe you should check your basement." I hear him say as I do so.

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