142-Did you miss me?

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==========142- Did you miss me?Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Me and Henry broke up ok! Just leave me alone!"- Leah Hart==========

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142- Did you miss me?
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Me and Henry broke up ok! Just leave me alone!"- Leah Hart

Leah P.O.V
The doctors let me out early in the morning, even though Caleb was staying at the apartment with me Ezra didn't want to let me out of his sight so toke me back to his apartment to stay at until the burns had fully healed. Aria had come and got me and after somehow convinving Ezra to let me go, we were now at Spencer's house. We were stood around the kitchen island in the barn when Emily had told us it was Mona who called Charlotte that night.
"Mona basically told you she was ready to kill Charlotte?" Aria asks.
"Yeah, but she didn't because Charlotte never showed up." Em replies.
"Not guilty because the victim didn't show?" Spence asks. "That's setting the bar pretty low, Em."
"Innocent, guilty, whatever, she admits to being the brunette on the phone, lets tell Tanner this so I can get off the suspect list." Aria says.
"So do you think she's lying?" I ask.
"Well, pick a topic." Spence says.
"About Charlotte not meeting her that night." I clarify.
"That's probably true. It's to easy to check." Spence says.
"While, you guys are discussing this lets remember that I was the one that was in a line up." Aria says.
"Have you forgotten that I've just come out of hosptial because of this?" I asks raising both my arms which were bandaged.
"So do we wait?" Spence asks.
"For what?" Em asks back. "Whoever this is wants us to hand over Charlottes killer by election night and their getting impaitent."
"Yeah, well does anyone want to put some oniment on that impaitents?" I ask raising my arms again.
"Look, a free range Mona is more likely to lead us somewhere if she thiks we believe her." Spence says.
"So we believe her?" Em asks.
"We believe her enough." Spence replies.


Leah's P.O.V
I was at the brew with the girls showing them a photo Ali had sent me in hosptial. She had said she feel down the stairs at the place her and Rollins were staying at for their honeymoon.
"She says it was an accident." I tell them.
"Do we believe that?" Em asks.
"As much as I believe Leah being seared was an accident." Hann replies.
"What do you think Spence?" Aria asks.
"Two out of six in the ER. That's 33.3% . It's 50% if you include what happened to Emily's eggs." Spence says.
"Well the odds aren't going to get any better the closer we get to electon night." Hann says.
"Three days." Em says.
"Hey, so Ali's hospital is an hour away. I think I'm going to go check up on her. Can you guys keep Ezra distracted?" I ask them.
"She says she'll be back tomorrow." Aria says. "And are you sure its a good idea for you to go now?"
"Maybe she should think about going in the opposite direction." Em says.
"Yeah, check on her. But don't freak her out." Spence tells me. "And it might be best if she stays away until after the election."
"What do we do about Mona?" Aria asks.
"Keep an eye on her." I answer.
"You guys, Mona did not kill Charlotte, she couldn't have." Hann says.
"She's got as much motive as anybody, probably more." Aria reminds her.
"She admits to getting Charlotte out of the house." I add.
"She's telling the turth, just not all of it." Em says.
"Mona's changed so many times, I doubt she even knows herself when she looks in the mirror.
"Ok, who here hasn't tried to reinvent themselves a couple times?" Hann asks.
"I'll call you guys after I go see Ali." I say before heading upstairs to get my bag.

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