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==========90- Hot for teacherBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I won't let anything happen to you

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90- Hot for teacher
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."- Jason DiLaurentis

Leah's P.O.V
I was currently at my dads for the weekend and I was in my bedroom, while I was on the phone with Ezra talking about the incident with Maggie in the middle of town yesterday.
"I'm really sorry Ezra. I didn't mean for any of that to happen." I tell him.
"It's fine, Leah. Seriously. You have nothing to worry about." He tells me.
"But, I still feel awful." I respond.
"You weren't to know she had that photo in there. You weren't to know any of that, ok? It's not your fault, she can't blame you, when you didn't know." He says.
"Yes she can, Ezra. I was the one who made her drop the box. It wasn't you, it wasn't Aria, Maggie didn't drop it herself it was me. It's my fault." I say as I hear him lightly laugh on the other side of the phone. "What?"
"Nothing. I just find it funny how you are always trying to take the fall for something." He says.
"Shut up. I am not. How can I be taking the fall for something when I actually did it?" I ask.
"It's not your fault, Leah!" I says. "Do I have to come to Philly myself and shake some sense into you?"
"No you don't. I'll be back tomorrow anyway." I tell him. "Anyway, I better go. Don't want to lose to much time with dad. You know maybe you could come with me one weekend."
"Yeah, maybe not. At least not at the moment."
"Yeah, I get that." I respond. "Got to go, bye."
"Bye." He says before I hang up.

"Hey dad." I say walking into the living room where my dad was sat.
"Hey hon." He replies. "Who were you on the phone whith?"
"Oh, uhm... Ezra." I tell him.
"Well, I am happy you guys are getting so close." He tells me causing me to smile a little.
"Me too." I say sitting next to him and see him watching a show. "What are you watching?"
"Just a random show." He ays grabbing the remote and turning the TV off. "So what do you want to do. We could play a board game, we could..."
"Lame." I cut in.
"Really?" He asks giving me an annoyed look.
"What?" I ask laughing causing him to laugh as well.
"So what do you want to do?" He asks.
"How about we go out for dinner." I suggest.
"Well I think you might want to do that with someone else." He says causing me to look at him confused.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"Come out!" He shouts before is bedroom door opens and the last person I expected to see steps out.
"Jason?" I ask slowly standing up.
"Hey Lea." He says with a smile as I run forward and hug him.
"I missed you so much." I tell him.
"I missed you to." He says.
"How long have you been here?" I ask Jason as we pull apart from the hug.
"I got here a few minutes before you came out your room." He answers.
"I can't believe you are here. I mean where have you been?" I ask.
"It's complicated. I just needed some time. And I still need some time before I come back to Rosewood but I just had to see you again. I missed you way to much." He explains.
My dad then walks over to us.
"Here. Go get yourself a nice dinner." My dad says holding out some money.
"It's ok. I can pay." Jason says.
"You sure?" Dad asks.
"Of course." Jason replies.
My dad nods before giving me a hug, then me and Jason leave.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now