104- Run Ali Run

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==========104- Run Ali RunBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "'A' won't get to you

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104- Run Ali Run
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"'A' won't get to you. Your fine. Your safe."- Spencer Hastings

Leah's P.O.V
Me and the girls all check our phones once we hear them all go off.
'Did you miss me, bitches, - A'
"It's from 'A'." Ali says.
"What does it say?" Ezra asks.
"Did you miss me bitches." Aria reads.
"Where's Toby?" I ask.
"I don't know." Spencer says before the house explodes again.

After a bit the boys were at the hospital with Toby while me and the girls go back to Em's.
"Well, what did Toby say?" Aria asks once Spence got off the phone with him.
"Well, nobody was inside the house." Spence tells us.
"Thank god." Em says.
"But his dad did break a leg trying to avoid a tree coming down." Spence adds.
"Well, it could have been worse." Hann says.
"Yeah." Spence says.
"Guys, what does this mean?" Ali asks showing the messages. "That we were wrong about Shana?"
"'A''s alive and knows that I killed her." Aria points out.
"Guys, Shana never said she was 'A'. She never used those words." I point out.
"She had everything but the letter painted on her." Em says.
"Em come on. We got a text seconds after the house blew up. Leah's been getting messages since New York, 'A' kidnapped her. Face it. 'A' was never gone." Hann says.
"'A''s been here the whole time just watching us." Aria says.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I was with Aria and Ezra at Ezra's apartment. I was sat next to Ezra on the couch while Aria was freaking out as she paced around the flat.
"Shana wasn't 'A'. I killed an innocent person." Aria says.
"Shana wasn't innocent, Aria." I tell her.
"Leah's right. Shana shot me nearly shot Leah. Litreally the gun was against Leah's chest." Ezra says causing me to flinch slightly at the memory.
"yeah, but the cops aren't going to believe that." Aria says. "Not when they find out how long we have been covering this up. It's only a matter of time before 'A' exposes what I really did."
"We don't know if this person has any idea of what happened in New York." Ezra says.
"Leah, got a message right after I killed Shana, Ezra. I'm pretty sure that they do." Aria points out.
"Ok, Aria. You need to breath. It's going to be ok." I tell her before looking a Ezra. "What are you doing?"
"Looking for a connection." He answers looking through a notebook he used for his book.
"A connection to what?" Aria asks.
"Between Mrs DiLaurentis and Bethany Young." Ezra answers.
"Why?" I ask.
"I'm starting to think I wasn't to far off my Mrs D theory." Ezra says before Aria sits on the other side of him and he points to a section of the page he was reading. "Mrs D was on the board at Radley. Bethany was a paitent there. Bethany was buried in her yard in the same spot where Ali was buried."
"You think that 'A' killed Bethany and Mrs D." Aria says.
"That would be a connection." Ezra says. "When I was writing my boom I interviewed some of the staff at Radley and I think I name Bethany Young came up. I just don't know which file it's in."
"Ok, I can help you look after school." I tell him.
"Yeah, me too." Aria agrees before we grab our bags to leave.
"Hey. Hey." Ezra says standing up acausing us to stop. "We are going to get through this, guys. I promise." He says.
"Yeah." Aria says with a smile.
"We'll see you later." I say before leaving.

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