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==========23-Questions Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I will always be known as the girl who was like Alison DiLaurentis' sister

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Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I will always be known as the girl who was like Alison DiLaurentis' sister. The best friend of the girl who was murdered. But that doesn't mean I can't create a new name for myself. We all can. But we need to try for that to happen."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
"He wasn't moving, ok? He wasn't breathing!" I say as we all stand outside the church.
"Because he was dead." Em adds.
"Is dead." Spencer corrects her. "Not was, is."
"So unless we are saying Ian is a zombie, someone moved his body." Aria says.
"It's probably stuffed in the trunk of 'A's car." Hanna says.
"It's probably it's way to a meat grinder." Em says.
"Oh, Em. You've got to quit watching those horror films." I tell her.
"You guys, 'A's probably watching us right now." Spence says.
"Any one of these people could be 'A'." Aria says.
"Half the town is here." Hanna says before Garrett comes over to us.
"They want to see you guys down at the station." Garrett tells us. "I'm here to drive you."
"Well, I saw my parents and brother earlier. They're going to want to know where we are going." Aria tells him.
"They'll meet us there. Come on." Garrett replies before asking away. "Let's go."
We look at eachother before following Garrett.

Garrett was driving before he turned and pulled into a Alleyway.
"Hey, I thought we were going to the police station." Hanna says.
"Why are we stopping?" Spencer asks.
"Garrett." Emily says.
"Let's go..." Garrett says.
"No I'm not going anywhere." I tell him from the front seat.
"Get out of the car." Garrett says looking at me.
Me and the girls look at eachother before getting out of the car.
"It's not safe to talk in the car." Garrett tells us.
"It doesn't really feel safe out here either." I reply.
"Look, I'm sorry if I scared you, but theres somethings you guys need to know before you start answering questions." Garrett tells us.
"We're listening." Spencer tells him.
"The police can not know that you were blackmailing Ian, and that I was helping you." Garrett explains. "It's a serious crime."
"Well, what about the messenger?" I ask.
"He doesn't want any trouble." Garrett answers.
"And the money?" Aria asks.
"For now I'm hiding it." Garrett replies.
"What about the videos?" Spencer questions.
"You still have them?" Garrett asks causing me to look at Spencer and nod.
"Yeah, we made a copy." Spencer answers.
"Ok, look, I've never asked you guys how you got them, and I don't want to know. But, you better be prepared to tell the police how you did, because that... that's the first question they are going to ask you." Garrett explains before his radio goes off. "Uh, yeah, we're on route." He then turns to us. "I hate asking you guys to lie like this, but are we all clear?"
"We'll keep the videos secret." I tell him. "For now."
"Ok, good. Let's get back." He says before we go back to the car.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
My parents had come back from Hawaii yesterday after what happened and had postponed the funeral for a few days.
"Ugh, my brain is numb from all those cop questions." I say as we all lie down in Spencer's room.
"I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for 'A'." Spence says.
"'A' killed Ian to keep you here." Em reminds her.
I'm sorry but the thought of that is not comforting." Spencer says.
"'A' gives so she can take." I reply. "We know that."
"So what's the bitch asking for?" Hanna asks.
"Whatever it is, I don't think we can afford it." Spencer says.
"Spence, you didn't... you didn't see anything?" Aria asks.
"I saw a black hoodie, black boots, and gloves." Spencer answers.
"Well I think it's safe to say that 'A' is not Jenna."Aria tells us.
"We we sure?" Hanna asks.
"'A' sees everything, Hanna." I tell her.
"I'm starting to think about her...him...it." Emily says. "What's the worst that can happen?"
"'A knows all our secrets." Hanna answers.
"If anyone finds out we'll always be the girls who blinded Jenna Marshall." I add.
"And now we're those girls who are afraid of 'A'." Emily also adds.
"No Em. I mean your right, but... look, we have so much to lose." Aria tells her.
"I feel like I have a hangover and I never went to a party." Hanna says.
"We need caffeine." I say.
"Oh! No offence but can I make it?" Aria asks.
"Seriously?" I ask.
"I'm with aria." Em says.
"Yeah, sorry. Lea." Han says.
"Spence?" I ask.
"I'm with them sorry." Spencer replies. "But your coffee gives me the shakes."
They all get up and leave the room.
"Amateurs." I say before getting up and following them.

We come downstairs and see all our parents sitting around the kitchen island.
"What's going on?" Aria ask.
"Mom?" Hanna asks.
"Veronica, since this is your idea..." Ashley says looking at Veronica who was stood next to her.
"The accusations you have made about Ian have cast a bright light on all of you. Spencer is still a person of interest in Alisons murder investigation, and now the police seem to think that the four of you are also involved." Veronica explains.
"Ian killed Alison, ok? And last night, he tried to kill me." Spence says walking down the rest of the stairs.
"We were all there. We told you exactly what we saw." I tell them.
"And we heard you." My mom says.
"We don't need to rehash what we talked about last night." My dad says. "This is about moving forward."
"While the police are sorting this out, we want you girls to see a grief counsellor." Veronica tells us.
"She's a therapist who can help you with Alisons death." Arias Mom tells us.
"And what appears to the police as a obsession with trying to pin her death on Ian." Veronica says.
"You think we are lying?" Em asks.
"Emily, we believe you, but it's the way it looks that concerns us." Ems mum tells her.
"This is a pre-emptier strike, and the goal is to garner both police and public sympathy." Veronica explains.
"Well, I'm not going to a shrink. That's what friends are for." Hanna says.
"You can't be the only one to not go." Ashley tells her daughter.
"Maybe you'll get more out of it then you think." Ella adds.
"This is bull..." Hanna starts.
"Hanna." Ashley says cutting her off.
"Do you believe us?" Spencer asks.
"What I know is that one of my daughters is in the hospital, and the other one is in trouble, and it's my job to protect you both." Veronica tells her.
"You didn't answer the question." Spencer says.
There was a pause were all our parents looked at eachother awkwardly.
"You haven't heard from Ian for a reason. He's dead." I tell them.
"Dead men don't get up and walk away." Spencer's dad replies.
"We told you- someone moved the body." Emily says.
"Who? Who would do that? And why?" Veronica asks.
There was a knock on the door. Mr Hastings goes over and answers it and Toby was there. He tells Toby to leave Spencer alone before shutting the door and turning to us.
"I'm sorry, Spencer." He says before Spencer runs upstairs and we follow her.

"I can't believe he would do that." Spencer says.
"I know. But it's only for a little while." Emily reassures her.
"It won't be forever." Aria adds.
"I just can't believe all this mess is because we we friends with Ali." Hanna says.
"I will always be known as the girl who was like Alison DiLaurentis' sister. The best friend of the girl who was murdered. But that doesn't mean I can't create a new name for myself. We all can. But we need to try for that to happen." I tell them causing them all to nod.
"Your right." Spencer says.
"I always am." I say causing us all to laugh.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
Our parents had decided for our sessions with the grief counsellor to wait till after I come back from Hawaii. The day after our parents had told us about it me and my parents flew to Hawaii for the funeral.

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