39- The blond leading the blind

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==========39- The blond leading the blindBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I know something is going on Leah

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39- The blond leading the blind
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I know something is going on Leah. You need to tell me what it is."- Mike Montgomery.

Leah P.O.V
Me, Spence, Aria and Em were waiting at Spencer's house for Hanna to get here with a flashdrive of the stuff that Caleb had gotten of of 'A''s phone.
"I passed your mom coming out." Hanna tells pencer as she comes into the room.
"Then it's go time." Spencer says opening her computer before holding her hand out for the flashdrive. "Hanna?" Hanna just stands there. "Hanna."
She reluctantly gives it to Spencer before coming and standing next to me.
"How much did Caleb get?" Aria asks.
"I don't know. He said he was up most of the night." Hann replies.
"It's not like we expect decripting files from 'A''s phone was going to be easy." Spence says.
"Is caleb still asking whos phone it is?" Em asks.
"Every chance he gets and I'm still lying to him." Hann responds.
"Ok, now that we know it wasn't Lucas, my money is on Officer Garrett in the greenhouse with the cellphone." I tell them.
"But Jenna broke up with Garrett." Em says.
"Yeah, after the greenhouse." I reply.
"Look, the point is Caleb is still asking bout everything and it's not safe for him to know the answers." Hanna says.  "We should just tell him to stop."
"Let's take a look first." Spence tells her.
The ending of the video of Ali and Ian at the kissing rock then came up.
"This... This is all Caleb was able to get?" Aria asks causing Hanna to give her a annoyed look.
The video then cuts out to another location.
"Wait, look, that's Alison's bedroom." I say.
"What is Ian doing in there?" Spencer asks when Ian comes onto the screen as he sets up the camera.
"What is he doing with that camera?" Em asks as he starts to put stuff infront of it but so they weren't blocking the actually video.
"Oh, my, god. He's hiding it." Aria says. "He was recording this secretly."
"Wait, recording what?" Spencer asks.
Jenna and Garrett then come into the room.
"What the hell are Jenna and Garrett doing in Ali's room?" I ask.
"NAT club field trip?" Spence replies. "Ian and Garrett are the founding members."
"The only one missing is..." Em trails off.

_____The video_____
"Where's Jason?" Ian asks Jenna and Garrett.
"He's passed out." Garrett replies.  "A six back and some weed will do that to you."
"So why the emergency call?" Jenna asks.
"I just left Alison." Ian tells them. "I tried to get her to hand over our videos, but she wasn't going for it. "
"And is that the only thing she wasn't going for?" Jenna asks sarcastically.
"Shut up, Jenna." Ian tells her.
"Hey, this is your fault Ian." Garrett tells him walking up to him. "I knew you'd go to far and those videos would come back to bite us. That's why I bailed on this messed- up plot."
"Oh yeah. Well wlecome back." Ian says with a laugh. "Now lets find them before that bitch shows up."

"So Caleb has seen this?" Em asks as we all lock at eachother again after looking at eachother multiple times throughout the video.
"He couldn't have gotten it off that phone without seeing it. Now you know why I'm freaking out!" Hann says.
"Yeah but the quicker we get to finding out what really happened..." Spencer says.
"The closer Caleb gets to the top of 'A''s hit list." Hanna says cutting her off. "He, she, it has messed with all of our relationships. Toby, Ezra, Samara. The bitch is robably going to go after mine and Caleb's next and when shes done with ours she will go straight for Leah's and Mike's."
I look done nervously thinking about the idea of 'A' trying to ruin mine and Mike's relationship.
"Look." Aria says causing me to look back up before we continue to watch the video.

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