45- In the eye of the beholder

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==========45- In the eye of the beholderBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "It's you and me against the world

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45- In the eye of the beholder
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"It's you and me against the world."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
"Well he recognised the coat, but when he saw it first, he thought it was Alison... Vivian." I say to the girls as we all sit outside of Leon's cupcakes in Rosewood. "I am so lucky with this stuff. First with Jonah and now with this."
"When we noticed you didn't come back he was gone." Em says.
"He was cute from the back." Hann says.
"So was his front, under different circumstances" I say jokingly. "He said he has been in Florida for like a year."
"What did you tell him exactly?" Spencer asks.
"Uh, I told him that I was a friend of Vivian's, and I hadn't seen her since she gave me to coat." I answer.
"Can I see that number again?" Spence asks.
"Yeah." I reply handing her a piece of paper with the guys number on.
"Duncan Albert?" Spencer reads.
"He said he met her in Brookhaven?" Aria asks.
"Yeah, in a bookstore." I respond. "Couple places down from that creepy doll hospital."
"Well, whoever Duncan is, he's connected to Alison." Spencer points out. "And what she wanted in Brookhaven."
"How do we know he wasn't just some guy she flirted with in a bookstore?" Em asks.
"I don't think Alison wasted Vivian on flirting, Em." Spencer tells her.
"Yeah. When she put that wig on, she wanted something." I add.
"She was looking for 'A'" Hann says.
"Duncan was part of that trail." Aria says.
"I'll call him." I tell them.
"Leah you don't have to." Spencer says.
"You already had to deal with calling Jonah." Aria points out.
"Any one of us could have been wearing that coat." Em also points out.
"But it was me." I remind them.
We watch as a car pulls up and Jenna and Toby get out before Spencer stands up as Toby goes rounds and helps Jenna who had a bandage under her glasses.
"She had the operation." Hann says.
Toby looks over at us, well Spencer as him and Jenna walk into a building.
"Spence?" I ask before Spencer sits back down next to Aria.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
"It's really old, like six months. But it works pretty good for an antique." Mona tells Hanna while she hands Hann her old phone before getting some hand sanatizer and giving each of us some. "The number bills to my account, so your mom never has to know."
"Mona you are a life saver." Hanna tells her.
"Well what's the point in doing something for someone if it doesn't make you look good?" Mona asks. "I'm already number one of speed dial. Ciao."
Mona then leaves and we all watch her confused.
"If only we could harness Mona's sense of entitlement, we could light the eastern seaboard." Spencer says causing me to let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, well I don't care. I got a new phone and I didn't have to go through Caleb. He is safe in Montecito." Hann says.
"Did you get through to Duncan yet?" Em asks me.
"Yeah. He's coming after school. I'm going to meet him in the courtyard." I reply.
"That sounds safe." Aria says as the bell goes of and we all go our seperate ways.


Leah's P.O.V
I was sat out in the courtyard with Duncan and he was telling me how he became close freinds with Ali/Vivian.
"So where you looking for Vivian in Brookhaven?" I ask.
"Can I ask you a question first?" He asks back.
"Sure." I reply.
"Is Leah your real name?" He asks.
"What? Yes. Of course it is." I answer. "Why would you ask that?"
"Because Vivian's real name wasn't Vivian. And if you're her friend you will know her real name." Duncan explains.
I stay silent for a few minutes and look around before looking at him again.
"Alison." I say.
"We have a winner." He says with a smile. "So where is she?"
"Duncan..." I say sitting slightly forward. "Alison's dead." He sits back slightly and looks at me shocked and broken. "I'm- I'm sorry." He then looks down. "She disappeared the Labour day weekend year before last."
"Disappeared? What happened?" He asks.
"Look I, maybe..." I say looking around.
"What happened to her?" He asks raising his voice.
"She was killed and... they didn't find her body for a year." I tell him before he gets up and stands with his back to me.
"Do they know who did it?" He asks.
"No." I tell him.
"The cops must have some ideas." He says.
"Yeah, we don't really trust the cops." I tell him.
"Who's we?" He asks.
"Me and some of Alison's friends." I reply.
"You're the one who she was closest to. The one who she had known the longest." He says. "She talked about you. There are five of you, right?"
"She talked about us?" I ask.
"Yes. She talked about you guys a lot. Mainly you." He says.
"Did she ever... talk about anyone else?" I ask. "Someone she might have been afraid of?"
He looks around briefly then looks back to me.
"Look, maybe we shouldn't be talking about this here." He says.
"Did you only meet her in that bookstore?" I ask.
"No." He replies he says looking down then looking back to me. "No. You spent a lot of time together that summer."
"In Brookhaven?" I ask.
"Near Brookhaven." He corrects.
"Well, I could meet you there." I tell him.
He goes to say something but hesitates and seems to change his mind.
"I'll call you." He says before going to walk away but he turns back to face me. "The weekend you said she disappeared... I saw her that weekend."
He then walks away and I watch him.

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