96- 'A' is for Answers

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==========96- 'A' is for Answersbest friends brother- Pretty Little Liars"It's ok

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96- 'A' is for Answers
best friends brother- Pretty Little Liars
"It's ok. We are together again. I'm never leaving you again."- Alison DiLaurentis

Leah's P.O.V
Me and the girls were sat in a room, in new york. Then a phone rings.
"Yeah." Noel Kahn says answering the phone hanging up then looking at us. "Stay right here. I'll be back."
"That doesn't sound creepy at all." I say under my breath.
"I cannot believe we let Noel bring us here." Aria says.
"Do we think she's even coming?" Hann questions.
"I know when I saw him instead of Ali, I thought for sure this was a trap." Spence says.
"Probably is and we are sitting here like geese." Hann says.
"Ducks." Spence corrects.
"What?" Hann asks.
"You sit like lame ducks. Not geese." Spence tells her.
"Ok, well, whatever. They both quack." Hann says.
"Geese honk." Spence says.
"Why would Ali trust Noel Kahn?" Em asks trying to change the subject.
"Because he has secrets to." Ali says causing us to all stand up and look at her. Noel wasn't with her.
"I want to hug you and slap you at the same time." I say causing Alison to smile as she closes the door.
"I could use a hug." She says before coming over and hugging me tightly which I return the hug just as tight.
"I missed you." I whisper.
"I missed you to, Lea. So much." She says before hugging Hanna, Emily and Aria then coming back over and grabbing my hand. "I'm glad you're here, Spencer."
"Why? I'm the one you can't trust." Spence says.
"I need you're help." Ali answers. "Now that the cops know I'm not the one they buried, they're going to start looking again. And until, I know who 'a is, I can't come home."
"Ali, we think your mom is the one who stole the game from Mona." Hann tells her. We think she's 'A'."
"You don't seem surprised." Em says.
"It's complicated, Em." Ali says letting go of my hand and crossing her arms. "I never found the right way to tell you what you need to know. I've never been able to say the words out loud."
"Why don't you start at the beginning." I suggest.
Ali sighs before the other four sit down. I go to sit down next to them but Ali grabs my hand.
"Can you sit next to me? I need you there." She asks.
"Of course." I reply before we go and sit down.
"I'm ready to tell you guys everything. But, if we can't figure it out tonight..." She says trailing off looking at the girls then at me. "I'm going to have to disappear again. This time for good."
"So if you want me here to help you figure out who 'A' is, you must not think I'm the one who hurt you." Spence says.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Spencer." Ali says.

"That was a crazy night, and it all starts in Hilton Head. 'A' had been threating me since that Halloween. I thought a weekend with Ian would give me a reprieve. That's when I found the videos the NAT club toke. Melissa showed up and Ian was distracted so I grabbed the videos and ran. I went there to get away from 'A' but when I left, I had what I needed to shut 'A' down. Those video changed the game. Jenna was at the top of my list. She had every reason to hate me. She always had her little dog Garrett to do her dirty work. I went to see Jenna and when I left I got a message. 'Bitch can't see you. But I do. Tonights the night I kill you.' Knowing what I had on her., I mean Jenna would have never sent that text. I was wrong. She wasn't 'A'."

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