54- The remains

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==========54- The remainsBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "She's the closest thing I have to a sister now

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54- The remains
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"She's the closest thing I have to a sister now."- Jason DiLaurentis

Leah's P.O.V
"Hann will you slow down? You almost tripped over a catheter back there that was still attached to someone." Spencer says as me, her and Hanna walk through the hospital.
"312, 312. There it is." Hann says going to walk over to the room before I pull her back.
"We need to have a plan." I tell her.
"We have a plan exposing 'A'." Hann says.
"Inside voice, ok?" Spencer tells her. "What is the plan exactly?"
"We are going to replace Garrett's note with a fake note that we wrote." Hann says.
"Yes, I know that part of the plan I came up with it, remembe?" Spence says.
"Yeah, I was wondering why you asked that." Hanna says going to walk away.
"Hann, we still need a place to lead 'A'." I tell her.
"Rosewood church, by the organ in the main sanctuary, tonight." Hanna replies.
"How did you come up with that?" Spencer asks.
"I have been living there since my mom signed me up to sort through spandex shorts and granny panties." Hann answers. "And I'm not completely useless."
"Won't the church be locked?" I ask.
"That's the point. It's deserted at night." Hann responds.
"So when Lucas shows up..." Spencer starts saying.
"It's not going to be Lucas!" Hanna says.
"We don't know if it will be or it won't be Lucs. So for now to not make anyone upset let's just say 'A'." I say trying to stop a arguement.
"Leah, Aria found sleeping pills in Lucas bag, which were also found to be in Emily's flask from the night Ali's grave was dug up." Spence says.
"That doesn't mean Lucas is 'A'." Hanna says.
"It's a pretty big coincidence." Spence says. "So yes it will be Lucas."
"Fine, then I'll show up with a paddle and finish what I started at the lake." Hanna says.
"What happened to the girl that wouldn't get out of her sweats?" Spence asks.
"She traded them for fatigues." Hann replies as Sencer pulls out a pen and paper to write the note. "I'll write it."
"Are you sure you know how?" Spence asks.
"Yes." Hann says. "I've been forging my moms signature in seventh grade in pe."
"Wow this is really good." I say looking at the note after Hanna had handed it to me.
I then give the note to Spencer as Hanna goes to look round the corner.
"Yell if you see anyone." Hanna says taking the note back from Spencer.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask her.
"This 'A' broke me and Caleb up do you understand. They're going to have to pay for that." Hann says before walking towards the room.
We wait for a few minutes before Hanna runs out the room as the speak calls 'Blue team to ICU' multiple times.
"Go, go, go, go!" Hanna says as doctors open the room door and I see that Mrs Reynolds was rapidly shaking.
We run to the elevetor and quickly gets in as the door opens.


Leah's P.O.V
I was walking along one of the streets in town on my way to the grille when I see Spencer and Jason sat down on a bench, so I decide to go over to them.
"Hey guys." I say causing them both to look at me.
"Hey Lea." Jason says.
"What are you guys talking about?" I ask.
"Oh nothing important." Jason says looking at Spencer who gives him a confused look as he stands up. "I got to go."
"Oh ok." i say as he gives me a hug. "Bye guys."
"I'll be right back." Spencer says after a few before going to catch up with Jason.

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