44- Father knows best

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==========44- Father knows bestBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "When do you ever not look cute?"- Leah Hart==========

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44- Father knows best
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"When do you ever not look cute?"- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I walk dowstairs after I had gotten ready for school. When I get to the kitchen and see my mom but not my dad which is weird as they are both normaally up by now.
"Hey. Where's dad?" I ask my mom grabbing an apple.
"He's had to go on a last minute trip for work." She replies pouring a cup of coffee.
"He'll be back for the father/ daughter dance tomorrow right?" I ask.
"No sweetie. He won't be back for a few days." she tells me. "I can always take you."
"It's called the father/daughter dance for a reason." I reply annoyed.
"I doubt you will be the only one who's dad can't make it." She replies.
"But I would be the only one who would advertise it." I say.
"I'm sure Hanna's dad can't make it. I'm pretty sure he is on the same busniess trip as your dad." Mom says.
"Or he's taking Kate." I reply.
"Who's Kate?" Mom asks.
"Isobel's daughter. Isobel is Tom's new wife." I explain.
"Really? I had no idea Hanna's dad got remarried. Her mom must be devasted." Mom says.
"She actually seems to be doing ok with the whole situation." I say as I put my bag on my back.
"Why would Tom be taking Kate to the dance when she isn;t his daughter? Hanna is." Mom asks.
"It's complicated." I reply. "I got to get going. I'm meeting Mike before school."
"Leah." Mom says as I was about to leave the kitchen causing me to stop and look at her. "So what do you say me and you goto the dance tomorrow?"
"I don't know mom." I tell her giving her a sad smile then leaving.

At the grille...

Leah's P.O.V
I get to the grille where I am meant to be meeting Mike and see him ordering some drinks so I walk up to him.
"Hey." I say kissing his cheek.
"Hey babe." He replies kissing me on the cheek back. "You ok? You seem a bit down.
"What are yuo talking about? I'm fine." I reply.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I can read you like a open book." He says as the women behind the counter hands him our drinks before he hands me mine as we head out the shop after saying 'thank you'. "So tell me. What's going on?"
"My dad isn't here to take me to the father daughter dance." I tell him.
"What?" He asks.
"He's gone on a busniess trip again. So looks like I'm not going." I say with a sad laugh.
"Leah..." He says.
"No its fine." I tell him cutting him off. "I... I didn't even want to go anyway. It's not like I was looking forward to wearing a pretty dress. Having this nice memory with my dad. Spending some of the night laugh and talking with the girls and all our dads."
"Leah..." Mike says.
"Why does he always do this. He's never here for big moment's like this." I ask.
"Wait, isn't Jason in town?" He asks.
"Yeah why?" I ask.
"Maybe he could take you." Mike says.
"I thought you hated Jason and thought he was dangerous so you wanted me to stay away from him." I say.
"Well, I know you haven't been staying away from him, but I'll be there tomorrow to make sure nothing happens anyway." He says.
"What do you mean you will be there?" I ask.
"A friend asked me to help him DJ so I'll be at the dance. I may even sneak away for a bit and come dance with you." He says causing me to laugh.
"That's actually a good idea with Jason but I don't exactly want to go up to him and say 'Hey my dad's not here to take me to the father/daughter dance. Will you take me instead' That's a bit weird." I tell him.
"I'll tell him to ask you." Mike says.
"You will?" I say looking at him confused.
"If it means you get to go to the dance then I wouldn't do anything else." Mike says before pulling me in for a kiss s we get to the front of the school.
When we pull apart I tell him I have to go meet the girls, so I say bye to him before heading to find the girls.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now