93- She's come undone

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==========93- She's come undone Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Aria I feel just as betrayed as you

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93- She's come undone
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Aria I feel just as betrayed as you. So please. Either stay or let me come with you."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
Once again, I was in a hosptial bed. This is like the 5th time I've been in hospital because of 'A'. Luckily this time wasn't as bed though. They only wanted to keep in in for one night just to make sure that everything was definitly ok.
The girls were sat around my hosptial bed and me and Aria had told the other's about Ezra's book.
"Did you actually read any of this book?" Spencer asks.
"A few pages. Bit's and peices." Aria answers. "Ezra knew who I was before we met. He knew who all of us were. And he knew Alison too."
"So he admitted to being in a relationship with her?" Em asks.
"Yeah. A breif one." Aria says.
"Then he must be board shorts." Hann says.
"Ezra didn't try to kill Alison." I say quietly. "His whole book is trying to peice together who did it."
"How is he going to do that when the police can't even figure it out?" Spence asks.
"I don't know. He has a theory though." Aria says.
"What is it?" Em asks.
"He think's one of us did it." I reply.
"You're kidding, right?" Spence asks.
"Well, now we know it's a work of fiction." Em says.
"Which one of us is he trying to pin it on?" Spence asks.
"We didn't get that far." Aria says.
"You didn't think to ask?" Spence questions.
"Does it matter? We know it's not true." Aria says.
"Just because he wrote the book doesn't mean he's not 'A'. You know he could be using it as a way to place the blame on one of us and keep suspision off of him." Em says.
"He doesn't need to do that. He knows that Ali is still alive." Hann says.
"Well he didn't know that when he started writing the book." Spence points out.
"Well he seemed awefully worried and surprised when this person attacked me in the woods." I reply. "He can't be 'A'."
"Wait you saw him?" Hanna asks.
"Breifly after it happened. I got up and ran away." I respond.
"I agree. Ezra is not 'A'. He's a writer who found a great opportunity to make a name for himself. He used me. He used us!" Aria says.
"So what are we saying, all that stuff in Ravenswood that was just research for his book?" Spence asks.
"He's been working in it for years." Aria says.
"Well we've seen the survallince equipment, so we know he's been watching us." Hann says.
"He's probably just hoping that we will lead him to Alison so that he can get his big ending." I say.
"If he's been watching us, then he must have known about 'A' this entire time. Even before we told him. How could he sit back and not do anything to help you guys." Em says looking between me and Aria.
"It's simple." I reply.
"He never really loved us." Aria finishes.
I start coughing violently causing them all to turn to me.
"Here drink some water." Spence says grabbing the glass of water of the bedside table and going to give it to me but I shake my hand as I continue coughing.
"Leah, you need to drink." Em tells me.
"I'm fine." I reply weakly.
"No you're not. Leah, please drink." Aria says.
"Guys, chill! I'm fine." I tell them.
"Well someone on the 'A' team cut your throat with a knife. There's no way you are ok." Hann says.
"Well I'm still breathing, aren't I?" I reply. "Sure it hurts to talk and I know I am talking in a whisper, but still. I am fine."
"Maybe you should take a time out from talking then. You can't talk to much or else you won't get any better." Spence tells me.
"Also we will just get so bored of hearing your voice." Hann says jokingly.
"Very funny." I reply before I start violently coughing again.
"Ok, yeah. You need a drink." Spencer says before holding out the water. "Either drink it or a will shove it down your throat."
I roll my eyes while still coughing before taking the water and sipping on it but that only causing me to start coughing worse but this time I cough up a bit of blood.
"Oh my god!" Hann says freaking out.
"Hann, chill out." I tell her.
"Chill out, Leah! You just coughed up blood!" Hann says freaking out. "I'm going to go get a doctor before you die!"
"Hann, I'm not dying! The doctors aid it's expected that I am going to cough up a little blood over the next few days." I tell her weakly.
"You seem really tired. We'll leave and let you get some sleep." Em says.
I smile and nod weakly before they all stand up. Hann, Em and Spence give me a hug before heading towards the door while Aria stands still.
"You coming Aria?" Spence asks.
"I'll be out in a minute." Aria replies.
The three others nod.
"Bye leah." Hann says.
"Call us if you need anything, ok." Em says.
"Make sure you get some rest, ok?" Spence says.
"You to." I reply before the three of them leave.
"I'm so sorry." Aria says.
"What? Why are you sorry?" I ask.
"If I hadn't of dragged you out to Ezra's cabin none of this would have happened." Aria says.
"Aria think about it. If it was only you out there it would have happened to you. I'm fine, I'm still breathing. I just need to get my voice back as right now I am barely above a whisper and it hurts to talk. But, I will get there, ok? I'm fine. You fon't have to say sorry." I tell her.
She then leans down and hugs me.
"I'm so glad you're, ok. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. You're my bst friend, Lea. You are pratically my sister. I can't lose you." Aria says. "I love you."
"I love you to, Aria." I reply hugging her back.
"I better go back to the girls. Call me if you need anything ok. Anytime. Even if it's the middle of the night. Just call me. Ok?" She says.
"I will." I reply. "Thank you."
"Bye." She says with a small smile before leaving.
I sort outmy pillow before laying down and slowly drifting off to sleep.

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