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==========37- Hot piecesBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Hey, what's up? You both seem a bit stressed

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37- Hot pieces
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Hey, what's up? You both seem a bit stressed."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
"How hard did you hit him, her, it?" Aria asks Hanna as we walk back into the greenhouse to look for the box.
"Didn't run like a her." Em says.
"I thought it was an animal." Hann says.
"It was. Is." Spencer replies.
"Ok, where's the box?" I ask looking around for it.
"Ok, guys, this phone is locked." Spencer tells us.
"And where were you guys? I thought we were supposed to meet up here. Wasn't that the plan?" Em asks us.
"I'm so sorry Em. I dropped a huge bomb at home. My parents wouldn't let me go anywhere I had to climb through Mike's window." Aria tells her.
"And I was helping Mike after he heard everything that went down." I add.
"And Toby came in a totally cornered me with all of these questions about why I was acting this way, and he wouldn't leave without any answers." Spencer adds as well.
"Kate's moving to Rosewood." Hann tells us.
"What!?" We all ask at the same time.
"Yeah, my dad and Isabel got married. and now they are looking for a house here in Rosewood. So now I have got two monsters in my life, I win!" Hanna replies.
"No you don't! I was nearly killed!" Em says. "These are not highlights, Hanna. This is glass in my hair!"
I then go over and look at Em's hair to see where the glass had landed.
"You guys, can you talk to my for a second. I'm holding 'A''s phone in my hand. What are we going to do with it?" Spence asks.
"Something, before 'A' knows we have it." Em says.
"Stand still." I tell her still looking at her head.
"Hanna call Caleb." Spencer tells her.
"Why?" Hanna asks.
"He's the best way we can get information out of this." Spence tells her.
"No, leave him out of this!" Hanna says.
"But he's our best shot at tracing him back to 'A;." Spencer points out.
"There's other people! We'll take it to the phone store tomorrow." Hanna replies.
"The- The phone store!" Aria asks.
"Well, then call technical support!" Hanna says. "We can have someone in Pakastan do it."
"Hanna!" Em says.
"This can't wait until tomorrow!" I tell her.
"Once 'A' realises it's gone...!" Em starts saying.
"I get it, ok?" Hanna replies. "But this phone is connected to Jenna and officer Garrett, Caleb already has bad history with her and the police. We're not going there!"
"Ok, but if he can find something that finally nails the two of them together..." Aria says.
"At least consider it." Em tells her.
"Hanna, come on, think this through." I tell her as Spencer turns around with her arms on her head.
"I am." Hann replies.
"Ok, done thinking?" Spencer asks. "Cos we're running out of time here. Wait is Caleb still crashing with Lucas? Where's Lucas's house? I will go over there right..."
"Spencer, stop giving us orders!" Hanna shouts at her cutting her off as me and Aria share a look. "We're not your winged monkeys."
"Guys stop!" Aria says.
"There's got to be a way we can get Caleb to help without..." I start but get cut off by the phone ringing.
"Answer it." Spencer says holding it out to Aria.
"Answer it! Answer it!" Aria says holding it out to Emily.
"Why me! I'e got glass in my hair!" Em replies
"I'll answer it." Hanna says taking the phone. "What do you want me to say? Shall we tell them we have the phone?"
"They'll know that when you say hello." Spencer says.
Hanna then looks at the caller ID.
"It's blocked." Hann tells us.
Then the glass above us smashes causing us to step back and gasp.
"I got Caleb's number! I'm calling him!" Em says.
"Go!" Spence says before we all run out to Hann's car get in and Han drives away.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now