94- Cover for me

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==========94- Cover for meBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"Of course not

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94- Cover for me
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Of course not. I may still love Mike, but all I want is for him to be happy. I would never ruin that."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
It had been a few days since everything went down. Aria hadn't come back. She had called me and let me know she was safe. I was currently on the phone with her. My voice has started to come back. It's still not fully back but the doctors said that within the next week I'll be able to speak normally again.
"I'm still at Syracuse." Aria says.
"Does your dad know what happened?" I ask.
"No. No. He thinks I am here for a prospective student week." She answers. "It's four days of campus tours, classroom visits, and a bunch of father daughter bonding time."
"How are you doing? Really." I ask.
"I'm honestly trying not to think about it. Him. Everything." Aria says.
"You don't have to go through this on your own, Aria." I tell her. "We can all come up there. To be honest I need to get away from all of this as well."
"No. It's ok. I'm not alone." She informs me.
"What? Who's with you?" I ask.
"My dad's here. I got to go. The tours starting." She says.
"Ok. Stay safe." I tell her.
"Will do. Bye." She says.
"Bye." I reply before she hangs up.

I head downstairs after getting off the phone with Aria to find both my mom and dad there.
"This is werid." I say with a laugh. "This this like some kind of intervention that I don't need?"
"No. Hunny. We just have to talk to you about something." Mom tell me as I sit down and the breakfast bar.
"Ok. Spill." I say.
"Me and your mother have been talking and we have decided that it's best if you come and live with me." Dad tells me.
"What? No!" I reply. "No offence, dad. But I'm not going. My whole life is here. My friends, my school."
"You can still see your friends sweetie. And there's amazing schools up in Philly." Mom tells me. "We just think it's best with everything that has happened since Alison died, it's best for you to get out of this town."
"I'm not leaving my friends! I don't care what you guys say. I'm staying here. I am staying in Rosewood." I tell them.
"Honey. You don't get to choose. You're going. We are doing this because it is the best thing for you." Dad tells me.
"So I don't get a say in my life. Great. Thanks a lot, mom and dad." I say before getting down from the breakfast bar stool.
I grab my bag and leave the house.

At school...

Leah's P.O.V
I make it to school and find Em and Hann that Hann's locker.
"Hey." I say walking up to them.
"Hey Lea." Em replies.
"You'll never guess what." I say.
"What?" Hann asks.
"My parents were both in the kitchen this morning." I start.
"What? Have they been in the same room since...?" Em asks trailing off.
"A couple times but, they want me to move to Philly." I inform them.
"What? You can't move to Philly! We need you here!" Hann says.
"I know." I reply. "But..."
I get cut off by hearing Mike and Mona fighting. Me, Em and Hnn look over at them just before Mike walks away. Mona looks past us causing us to look as well and see Ezra.
"This is just perfect." I say laughing leaning against the locker behind me.
"Looks like Fitz is still pulling Mona's strings." Em says.
"Do you think Fitz was behind whatever that was?" Hann asks. "I mean Mike and Mona didn't really make much sense unless..."
"She was spying on Aria for him." Em says.
"I can't deal with this right now." I say as I stop leaning against the locker. "Maybe I should move with my dad."
"No. You shouldn't." Hann says.
"Wait." Em says. "What if it wasn't just Aria, Mona was spying on, for Fitz." Em says.
"What do you mean?" I ask causing her to give me  look I know all to well. "Thanks, Em. Thanks for putting that idea into my head."
"Now, I am really mad." Em says before heading to the classroom. "We have to talk to him."
"Em, I can't stand to be in the same room as him." I tell her.
"Same." Hann says.
"That's ok. I get it." Em says.
"I'm goig to ditch class. Will you be ok?" Hann asks.
"I'll be fine." Em says before walking over to Mr Fitz classroom.
hanna puts her book back into her locker before closing her it as we start to head down the corridor.
"Want to go to the brew for first lesson? I don't really feel like going to my class either." I suggests.
"Sure. Sounds fun." She says before we leave the school.

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