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==========65- Missing homeBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "She loves you Mike

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65- Missing home
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"She loves you Mike. And she always will. You just have to giver her time."- Aria Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
I had been in England for a couple weeks now. I ended up going and performing at that open mic night that Ethan was talking about and I honesly had the best time. I have made so many friends while I have been here and I have become really close with loads of people. One of those people being Ethan. Clover and Mckenna had been telling me about howEthan has a crush on me but I chose not to believe them. Me and Ethan are friends. Maybe best friends but that's it. Besides, I am still in love with Mike Montgomery.
Talking about Mike Montgomery, I was currently on the phone with his sister, while I was in my cabin alone. She was catching me up on everything that had happened the last week which I had missed since my phone had died and I had no way of charging it until yesterday.
"Spencer needs to talk to her sister." I say.
"Ok, but she needs to talk to one of us first." Aria says. "I tried her like three times and no answer."
"I tried calling her this morning before you called but no answer either." I say.
"Yeah, Emand Hann haven't heard from her either." Aria says. "I wonder if we should even tell her at all. Remember when we thought Melissa was torturing us?"
"Aria, you dad siad he saw Melissa outside Ali's house the night she was murdered. I don't think she was out for a evening stroll." I remind her. "She need to know something."
"I know, I think... we should just hold off. At least until you get back." Aria says.
"Aria, as far as I know, I won't be back for over a month. Unless my parents decided to let me come home earlier. Which I don't see happening." I tell her. "We can't keep this from Spence for that long."
"I guess your right." Aria says.
"I can't believe you burnt the diary pages." I tell her.
"I believe my dad. I believe he didn't do it." She says before my cabin door opens and my bunk mates walk in.
"I got to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I tell her before hanging up. "Hey guys."
"Hey Leah." Kaitlyn says sitting on her bed which was oppisite me.
"Who were you just on the phone with?" Ameila asks as her and Abigal sit on their beds.
"Just one of my best friends from back home." I answer.
"Are you planning on going back home soon?" Abigal asks.
"I mean. I am loving it here, but I do miss my home. So given the oppitunity to go back home. I think I would take it. But I would still love to keep in contact with everyone here." I explain.
"By 'everyone', do you mean Ethan?" Kaitlyn asks in a teasing voice.
"By 'everyone' I mean everyone. What did you mean by that?" I ask.
"Come on. Everyone sees the way you both look at eachother it's obvious you like eachother." Abigal says.
"Me and Ethan are just friends. Besides I am in love with someone back home." I explain.
"You didn't tell us you had a boyfriend." Amelia says.
"We;;, he's an ex boyfriend but we still love eachother and want to get back together but want to wait for things to calm down before doing so." I tell them.
"Well, we're happy for you. But I think you might want to explain that to Ethan. Because he 100% likes you." Abigal says.
"He does not." I reply.
"He so does." kaitlyn says.
"Me and him are going to the beach again later for a walk. I will talk to him then." I tell them before standing up. "No I got to go meet Clover and Mckenna for surfboarding. You guys want to join?"
"You guys know how to surf?" Amelia asks.
"Well, I do I use to live in Hawaii and it's all I would do. But I'm teaching Mckenna and Clover how to do it. Do you guys want to come learn as well?" I tell them.
"Sure." Kaitlyn says before the three of them get up and we go to meet Clover and Mckenna.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now