162- Farewell, my lovely

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==========162- Farewell, my lovelyBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I need to find who I truly am

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162- Farewell, my lovely
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I need to find who I truly am. I've constantly done stuff to make other people happy. It's time I do something for me."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
"Are you absolutely sure about this?" Hanna asks as she walks over to Caleb.
The boys were now back. Me and Mike were sat on the couch, Caleb was at the breakfast bar and Ezra was stood by the fireplace trying to get ahold of Aria.
"Mona has to game. She doesn't only have it, she's accessing the guts out of it." Caleb tells us. "You can see that by the signal. It's her game."
"Hanna. Mona's 'AD'." Emil says.
"The good thing is we know and she doesn't know we know." Spence tells us. "I'm just glad you didn't bust in on her."
"Well, we have to do something. We have to do it now." Mike says putting his arm over my shoulders. "There's a lot of chatter on the police frequencies. Tanner's paying a lot of overtime. I think she's getting ready to move."
"Well, we need Mona if she's 'AD'." I point out.
"Why?" Ali asks.
"So she can tell the cops what she's been doing to us.  Our only shot at a break is a live Mona explaining how we ended up on that road with Dunhill." Spence says.
"I'll convince her." Caleb says.
"No, I'll talk to her." Hanna says.
"Not alone you won't." Caleb replies.
"Aria's still not answering her phone." Ezra says hanging up the phone. "What I don't understand is how you could do that's, just cut her off like that?"
"Ok, Ezra, you have to understand..." Spence tries to say.
"Understand what Spencer? That she screwed up? That she got scared and made a mistake? There isn't a person in this room who hasn't made a big mistake and has to live with it. Do you know what makes 'AD' so dangerous?  She can't forgive, that is the only edge any of you had over her and know you don't have that."
"You know what Ezra." I say standing up and walking towards my brother. "I find it funny how you're stood here defending Aria when you didn't defend me when the same thing happened to me right in front of your fucking eyes. Hell, you were the one who messaged me to come over to yours so it could happen. I knew you would pick Aria over me. And what hurts the most is that I'm your sister and I knew you would do this. But, I can't do this anymore. I'm done with all of this."
"Leah!" Alison calls as I walk out the door of the barn.
"Leah!" I hear all of them shout but I just ignore them.
I go straight to my car and get in before driving away.

Ezra's P.O.V
"Shit." I say before going to follow Leah.
"Ezra, give her some time." Caleb tells me.
"No. She's right. She's my sister, and I can't lose her." I reply looking at all of them. "I know her. We all do. We all know deep down that she is about to do something stupid and we just don't want to admit it. I have to stop her before she does that."
"She wouldn't do anything without talking to us first." Mike tells me.
"We don't know that!" I shout as a sound of a car driving away can be heard. "Great."
I head out to the car. I have to find my fiance. But not only that, I also have to find my sister.

At the police station...

Leah's P.O.V
I walk into the police station and look around. There was only one way to end this. And that was for me to turn myself in. While I was looking around I spot officer Walter, the officer who helped me after I had that flashback. I walk over to him and he smiles when he sees me.
"Leah hart. It's good to see you're doing well." He says with a smile.
"Hi officer Walter. It's good to see you doing well as well." I reply.
"Anything I can help you with?" He asks.
"Could I possibly talk to detective Tanner?" I ask.
"I'll go see if she is available." He tells me.
"Thank you." I say as he walks away.
I was stood waiting for a few minutes before someone grabs my arm and turns me around. It was my brother.
"What re you doing?" He asks.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" I reply snatching my arm back out of his grasp.
"Leah, you can't do this." He tells me.
"I told you Ezra. I'm done. I'm done with all of this. I'm ready to come clean." I tell him.
"And I'm not ready to lose you." He says.
"You and I both know that things aren't the way they use to be." I reply.
"Of course they aren't, but that's ok. Things change." He says before we hear a door opening before we look over and see Tanner leaving the room she was in. "Leah, please. Don't do this."
"I'm sorry Ezra." I say looking back at him. "But I have to."
Tanner then comes over.
"Leah Hart. Officer Walter tells me you would like to talk to me." Tanner says.
"I would. It's about the Archer Dunhill case." I tell her.
"Oh do you have more evidence as to who's done it?" She asks.
"Yes in fact I do." I reply.
"No. She doesn't. Uhm... she's not feeling to well, so her heads a bit all over the place." Ezra says. "She thinks she has evidence but she doesn't."
"She seems fine?" Tanner says in a questioning tone.
"I feel fine." I reply.
"No you do not, I am so sorry for this detective Tanner." Ezra says grabbing my arm trying to pull me out the police station.
"Just a moment Mr Fitz. I actually have some news to give to your sister." Tanner says cusing us both to stop. "Miss Hart. You are free to go. You are no longer a suspect in the case."
"What?" I ask.
"You're acting agent gave some proof that showed you were out of Rosewood for a meeting with the director, of the film you are currently filming, the night Dunhill was murdered." Tanner tells me causing me to look at Ezra confused before looking back at Tanner.
" Detective Tanner, I'm afraid that, that evidence is..." I start to say.
"That evidence is brilliant news. Thank you so much Detective." Ezra says before pulling me out of the station.

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