109- No one here can love or understand me

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==========109- No one here can love or understand meBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "'A''s after all of us

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109- No one here can love or understand me
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"'A''s after all of us. Why can't we just work together?"- Mona Vanderwaal

Leah's P.O.V
The girls had called me telling me they were heading to the police station to tell the truth. I was at home and didn't really wanted to leave the comfort of my bed after the events that had taken place today but I knew I should really be there for this so I went to meet them. I was waiting opposite the police station, with the photos and recording in my hand, when they finally got here.
"Seems to me we've been here before." Aria says as we all look over at the station.
"We'll get it right this time." Hann says.
"This times different." Em says.
"After this. Ali's on her own." Spence says.
"You ok, Lea?" Aria asks me as she puts a supportive arm around my shoulder.
"Yeah. I'm ok." I reply. "Let's just get this over and done with."
"Wait." Em says as me, Spence, Hann and Aria go to walk over to the police station.
We all look back to see the screens in the shop window behind us have photo's of Ali from when she visted me in the hospital after 'A', well Mona, hit me with a car.
"What the..." I say as we all walk closer. "That's when Ali came to my hospital room after Mona's party."
Red banners reading 'We're all in this together' flashes across the screens with 'A' flashing on one of them.
"We can't tell now." Em says.
"Why not?" Aria asks.
"Because no one would believe we didn't know Ali was alive if they see this." Hann says.
Spence then picks up and brick and gos over to the window.
"Spencer don't!" I shout.
"Hey, you can't do that!" Hann shouts at the same time as me and Aria grab spencer's arms.
"It won't do any good. Spencer, put the brick down." Aria tells her.
The screen then flashes to a reflection of us stood there. All the other's leave besides me and Spencer who stay there. The screen then changes back to normal besides one.
'Act normal, bitches.'

At Ezra's apartment...

Leah's P.O.V
Emily wanted to go talk to Ezra but I decided I would go instead as I also wanted to see him and make sure he knew I was ok after everything that happened with Ali.
"Oh my god." Ezrasays as he opens the door and sees me. He sighs in relief as he hugs me. "I heard everything. Thak god you are ok.I tried calling you multiple times. I thought 'A' got you."
"I'm ok, Ezra." I say with a slight laugh as we walk into the apartment.
"How could she identify a kidnapper when she was never actually kidnapped?" Ezra asks.
"She knew him from when she was on her own." I explain. "The name he gave the police was Cyrus Petrillo. Have you ever heard that name, in all the time you were doing your research?"
"Uh, no. I don't have much from the time when she was gone. It's a blank." He says. "But why would this guy confess to a crime he didn't commit?"
"Maybe he knew it wouldn't stick. Maybe he knew Ali wouldn't confirm the story until it was to late."
"Yeah. But if you were this guy, why would you even take the chance?" He questions. "Because somebody has something worse to use against you."
I then pull a photo of ALi and a guy at a ATM out of my bag and hand it to Ezra.
"Have you seen this before?" I ask.
"No. Where did you get this?" He asks.
"A friend." I reply.
"I'll see what I can find out about Cyrus." He says going over to his desk.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'm only doing this for you though." He says.
"And maybe Aria?" I say teasingly as he gives me a look. "Sorry. Thanks."
"Thanks for trusting me." He says.
"Ezra, have you forgotten your my brother? Of course I trust you. You toke a bullet for heaven sakes. If the girls don't turst you they are stupid." II say walk over to him. "Plus, you're the only one who has the resources. Want me to stay and help?"
"It's ok." He says. "You go hangout with your boyfriend." He tells me.
"Your not like any other brother. Any other brother would never encourage their sister hanging out with their boyfriend." I say with a laugh.
"I got my eye on him, don't worry. If he hurts you. He's got it coming." Ezra says sitting down.
"Please. Don't threaten my boyfriend." I say.
"Ok, ok." He says raising his hands in defence.
"Ok. I'll head out. Call me if you need help ok." I say heading towards the door.
"Ok. Bye." He says.
"Bye." I reply before leaving.

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