71- I'm your puppet

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==========71- I'm your puppetBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "We will get through this together

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71- I'm your puppet
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"We will get through this together. We are all apart of this now."- Caleb Rivers

Spencer's P.O.V
I was sat in the day room at Radley. I had been here for over 72 hours.
"You have visitors. Spencer?" One of the nurses here says causing me to turn to look to see the girls standing there. "Ill be in the hall if you need me."
The nurse leaves and the girls come and sit down.

Leah's P.O.V
"Hey you knew we were coming right?" Emily asks as me, her, Aria and Hann sit with Spence.
"We spoke with your mom we wanted to be here the first day." I add.
"But, she said you were going to be her tomorrow, so..." Aria says.
"She still believes that?" Spence asks cutting in.
"She thinks I'll be able to sleep through the night if I just take a nice bubble bath and lay in my own bed?"
"I think what she want's is..." Em starts saying.
"I know what she wants." Spence says cutting her off. "But, they don't make a loffa that scaps out the inside of your head."
"The park rangers found a body." Hann says.
"Hanna!" Me, Em and Aria all say at the same time.
"What?" Hann asks. "The sooner she knows the sooner she checks out of this place."
"What Hanna is trying to say is that we have good news." I tell her.
"They found a body in the woods. The police believe it was a camper." Em informs her.
"It was Toby." Spence responds.
"No, Spence it wasn't." Aria says. "This person, he'd been missing for awhile, and he was no where near where you thought you saw..."
"I know what I saw." Spence says cutting in again. "It was Toby."
There was then a awkward silence.
"Hey, I was thinking tomorrow night, when you get home, we could all..." I start."
"I need to stay here. I need more time." Spence replies.
"Time for what?" Hann asks.
"Hanna." Em warns.
"Suffling around in Mona's old slippers isn't going to get her any better." Hann says.
"Hanna chill." Aria tells her.
"You know what, I would not dine here if I were you, I had to sneak around in that kitchen, I saw a roach big enough to wear an apron." Hann says.
"Moving on!" I tell her.
"You are not crazy. This place is." Hann says.
"I'm to tired to have this fight right now, guys." Spence says standing up and starting to walk away before turning around. "I fele safe here. Those bars don't just keep you from getting out, they keep other people from getting in."
Spence then walks away.
We all look at eachother and after a little while realising she isn't coming back we decide to leave.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
I was at my locker at the start of the school day when Mike comes over.
"Hey you." He says with a smile.
"Hey Mike." I reply smiling back as he opens his locker.
"How are you doing? How's things at home?" He asks.
"It's werid at home. I mean it's going to be for a while, but, it's slowly getting better." I reply. "What about you? How are you?"
"I'm good." He replies. "Have you talked to Spencer recently?"
"Yeah. Me and the girls went yesterday to Radley to talk to her. Why?" I question.
"Just wondering because you are obviously worried about her." He says.
"Well, yeah. Me, Aria, Em and Hann went to talk to her yesterday and she doesn't seem to be doing to well at the moment but she will be ok. I know she will. I mean she's Spencer Hastings." I say.
"Well, if there is anything I can do to help, just let me know and I will do it." He says as we both close our lockers.
"Thanks Mike." I say before giving him a hig with one arm as I had my books in the other.
He hugs me back before pulling away and smiling as he walks away to class and I walk over to Em and Aria who were at Aria's locker.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now