61- 'A' dark ride

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==========61- 'A' dark ride Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "What's happening to me?"- Leah Hart ==========

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61- 'A' dark ride
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"What's happening to me?"- Leah Hart

_____Leah's dream_____
Leah Hart was in her window seat working on her homework when the door opens and Alsison DiLaurentis walks in.
"Hey, Hon. How have you been holding up?" Alison asks.
"It's been a month and I'm still struggling. I mean I've got a new group on friends that I hangout with but they can't replace Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily. But also Mike hasn't talked to me once. He doesn't even look at me." Leah answers.
"It will get better." The blond girl says as the brunette pulls her legs closer to her so the she could sit down as well. "Besides you'll always have me. Wether or not I'm here like I am now or just in you memories. I'll always be watching over you."
"I wish things were different." Leah admits. "I mean, if you were still here none of this would be happening."
"None of what, sweetie?" Ali asks.
"The whole 'A' situation. 'A' has completely ruined our lives. First it was Mona but now 'A''s back and we have no clue if it's Mona or someone else." The younger girl explains.
"Mona has always been a crazy bitch. No wonder they finally locked her away." The older girl says.
"Ali, you can't say something like that." Leah says.
"Why have you turned all soft again?" The DiLaurentis girl questions.
"I don't want to do what you've been telling me to do anymore Ali. I've already lost Mike and the girls because of it. I'm done with pretending to be someone I'm not." The Hart girl tells her. "I'm not like you."
"I know you're not like me, Lea. That's why you were my best friend. I don't want you to change and if you don't want to be mean to anyone anymore or skip class then I understand." Alison says.
"But please don't leave. I still need you here." Leah tells her best friend.
"What did I tell you just now. You will always have me.Wether thats in spirt or not. I'm not going anywhere." Alison says pulling the brunnette into a hug.
"I love you Ali." Leah says.
"I love you to Lea." The blonde says before pulling away from the hug. "But I do have to leave for a while. I'll see you soon."
"What? Why?" The brunnette questions.
"I'm sorry.But it has to be this way." Alison says before getting up and walking out of the room.
_____End of Leah's dream_____

Back to reality...

Aria's P.O.V
"Give me a hint." Hanna tells Spencer as us three and Emily walk along the street.
"I will not give you a hint. We made a deal." Spencer says. "You'll see my xostume tonight at the party.
"But what if we end up wearing the same thing?" Hann questions.
"We are not going to be wearing the same thing I promise you." Spence responds.
"Look, I'll give you a hint if you give me a hint." Hann says.
"No hints , ok?" I tell her. "We said we are going to pick somebody from a movie and we are all going to surprise eachother."
"Do you think Leah's still going to do that?" Emily asks.
"I haveno clue. I hope she does because that will shows theres still a chance we can get her back." I say.
"Is Leah even going tonight?" Spence asks.
"Iheard her talking to her new group about going." Hann says.
"What were they saying?" I ask.
"They were planning on going as a group costume but Leah was hesitant to do so." Hann replies.
"Maybe that means she might still do what we are doing." Em says.
"Maybe." Spence agrees.
"Nayways whose stupid idea was it to surprise eachother?" Hann asks.
"Yours." Me and Spence say at the ame time.
"Em, are you sure you want to do this thing?" Spence asks.
"I want to do this. I need to do this." Em answers. "I want something big and splashy to mark the 'before' and 'after' everything."
"Symbols and cereomonies?" Spence says.
"And plus there's live mystery entertainment." I say.
"Mhm-mm." Spence says.
"I have to get to the dentist." Hanna says with a sigh.
"How is Caleb?" Emily asks.
"He's getting better. He was easier when he was in the hospital though." Hann answers. "Now he got out and we have to go under the radar."
"You sure you want to go on the ghost train?" I ask her.
"Yeah. Otherwise I'm stuck with my mom and pastor Ted, handing out candy to rug rats." Hann says.
"You're mom and Pastor Ted?" Spence asks.
"Yeah.They're getting pretty domestic." Hann says.
"I'd tell her to go for it.My mom moved on." I say.
"Oh my god." Emily says.
We look over where she was and see a box with 'R.I.P Alison DiLaurentis' written on it in someones ftont garden.
"Who would do something like that?" Hann asks.
"It's Clifford Yerdley's house." Spence says.
"He's such a astonishing jerk." I say.
"Joke's over." Em says.
We allgo over before Clifford jumps out to scare us.
"You are such a tremendous loser!" Hanna shouts as Emily throws something at him.
"You know, this is why nobody will go out with you." Spence says.
"Let's get out of here." Em says before we continue walking.

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