16-Heart break

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==========16- Heart breakBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I don't want to leave you, Mike

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16- Heart break
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I don't want to leave you, Mike. But, I don't have a choice."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I walk downstairs and see my mom and dad sitting at the table in the kitchen.
"Morning." I say.
"Morning sweets." Mom says.
"Your grandmother called from Hawaii." Dad tells me.
"What did she say?" I ask.
"They were wondering if you would like to go and live there for a couple of months again." Mom explains.
"What did you tell her?" I ask.
"We told her you would." Dad says.
"Why would you do that without talking to me first?" I ask.
"Leah, she's your grandmother. She wants to see you." Dad tells me.
"I just got back after a year. I'm starting to get my old life back." I tell them. "I can't leave again. I can't leave the girls again. Especially after everything with Alison."
"I'm sorry but you don't have a choice. You're going." Dad says standing up.
"Adam." Mom tries.
"No. She's going." Dad says walkig towards the door. "You better get going you don't want to be late for school."
I look at mom who just shakes her head and looks down. I sigh before grabbing my bag and leaving.

I can't just leave again. Not now. Me and Mike are finally dating. Ali recently being found dead. The girls. 'A'. I can't leave the girls to deal with 'A' by themselves. I can't break Mike's heart again. I can't believe my parents are making me leave. Again.

At school...

Leah's P.O.V
I was in line in the courtyard at school to get a coffee. I was with Hanna when Aria comes up to us.
"Hey." She says.
"Hey." I reply.
"Cute boots. Are they new?" Hanna asks her.
"Oh, ish." Aria replies. "What is with this line?"
"All the vending machines are on lockdown." I answer. "Someone's been breaking into them after hours and stealing food."
"I heard one kid say that the alarm went off at like 3am." Hann adds.
"Wait, the vending machines have alarms?" I ask.
"The school alarms." Hann replies. "Someones been sneaking out of the building in the middle of the night. Which makes zero sense who'd want to be here any longer then they have to?"
"I might. Going home just got scary." Aria says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"This was in my dad's coat." Aria says showing us a ticket to the museum her and mr. Fitz went to.
"Did he go?" I ask.
"He said it's my mom's but I'm starting to wonder if he did go there too." Aria answers.
"Your dad?" Hanna asks. "No."
"If not then why was he so twitchy when I asked?" Aria questions. "If they were there when me and Ezra were there, then..."
"Aria, you're just on a loop. It was a coincidence." Hanna tells her.
"Was it?" Aria asks. "You don't think it's a coinidence that my mom had a ticket for the same night."
"It is. It's just a werid coinidence." Hanna tell her before looking off somewhere then back to us. "Hey, can you guys get my coffee? I will be right back."
"Oh, um... ok." I say as Hanna walks away before me and Aria could answer.
"That was weird." Aria says.
"Tell me about it." I reply.
"Anyway. I';s just going to be me and Mike for dinner. Why don't you come join us?" Aria suggest.
"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on your brother and sister time." I tell her.
"Honestly. It's fine." Aria says before we get to the front of the line.
We order the coffe before Hanna comes back over to us then we go to find Em and Spence.

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