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==========42- CTRL: ABest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "No Leah

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Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"No Leah. I love you ok. And I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I will protect you with everything I have."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
It was a few days after 'truth up day', I was let out the hospital the day after as my injuries weren't to bad but I still hadto go careful as I had a concusion. The accident happened on Firday and I got out of hospital on Saturday. It was now Monday which meant that I had a couple days at home to chill out. Nothing had happened to Noel as the principal said they couldn't prove that he was the one who had done this as their were no camera's on the roof. He pretty much said that me and Aria sould blame ourselves for what happened as we shouldn't of have been up there in the first place.
Right now I was standing with Spencer and Aria while we wait for Em to get back from the swim meet. Apparently on Forday Mona and Emily managed to find a way to get Em back on the team.
"Where are they?" Spencer asks.
"I told my mom we'd be studying at the library, so that's covered." Aria says.
"I told mine the same thing." I add.
"Are you sure ou want to do this tonight?" Aria asks me.
"Are you kidding. We have to find out what this guy knows about Ali." I reply.
"But you just got out the hospital." Aria says
"I as in there for less then a day. I only had a concession which is pretty much gone no and a scar on my arm. I'm fine." I reply before looking at Spencer. "What about you? Are you sure you want to do this tonight?"
"I think the same as you." Spence says.
"And, we need to find out why his number was in Ali's jacket." Aria adds.
"Vician's coat." I correct her.
"Their the same person." Aria replies.
"We finally got this meeting set. It's got to be tonight." Spencer says. before noitcing I was a bit nervous.
We had agrred that I would be the person who actually meets him as I was the one who he had been talking to on the phone.
"Hey." Aria says also noticing I was a bit nervous. "We will have your back the enitre time. We promise."
"I know." I reply.
"My mom talked to your mom." Aria tells Spence. "It's not just been one sleepover Spence. It's been a whole week. . My mom just want's to know why you aren't going home."
"I just.. I can't deal with my family right now." Spencer says.
"Can we help?" I ask.
Spencer then looks at me and goes to say something but a loud applause stops her. We look to see Emily and the swim team coming in. We walk over to her as she hugs Maya.
"Way to go champ." Spencer says hugging her before I do then Aria.
"Em, my mom siad we can have the team party at my house." Hanna tells her.
"That's great!" Em says.
"Yeah." Hanna says before all our eyes lock on Garrett and another officer who walks in.
The walk towards Caleb and Hanna follows. We can't hear anything they are saying but we watch and see Caleb handing Garrett his computer which get's puy into a evidence bag. After a few moments Hanna comes back over to us.
"What just happened?" I ask.
"Garrett took Caleb's computer. Court order." Hann replies.
Then all our phone's go off.
'Now it's Caleb's turn. - A'


Leah's P.O.V
I was at a cafe sitting at  table by myself with the girls sitting at a table behind me while we waited for the guy who's phone number was in Alison's coat pocket to show up. I was having a sip of my drink when someone puts there hand on the book that was infront of me instantly recognising it.
"So you're a friend of Vivian's?" The man asks.
"Yeah." I reply before he sits down.
"How much money does she owe you?" He asks.
"Vivian owes you money?" I ask.
"She owe's me a lot more then money. She owes me a job, and she almost owes me a girlfriend thanks to you calling that number." He says.
"You said she cost you a job. What did she do?" I ask.
"I worked at Allegheny Cellular. Human resources. Your friend came in asking for a job, but she didn't want a job, she wanted information, and she said she'd pay for it."
"What kind of infomation?" I ask.
"Ah, I get it." He says. "You're Alison."
"Vivian told you about Alison?" I ask.
"She said she had a friend named Alison who was getting texts from sombody. The number was blocked, and she wanted to know where they were coming from. She'd pay to find out." He explains
"Did you find out?" I ask.
"Yeah, I found out. Then I made the mistake of telling your pal before I had the money in my hand. She dropped off the map, and I got fired for accessing restricted information." He tells me.
"What did you find out about this person who was sending her text?" I ask.
"Are youlistening? I did not get paid." He says. "I want what she owes me."
"How much does she owe you?" I ask reaching for my purse to get the money.
"2,000." He says causing me to freeze.
"$2,000." I ask.
"That's the price today." He says. "But, it could go up depending on market conditions." He then gets a pen out and starts writing something down on a napkin as he looks at me breifly. "Don't ever use that number again. If you want to do busniess, call me here."
"Oh, who do I ask for when I call?" I ask as I take the napkin and he stands up.
"Tell em' you want to talk to Jonah." He says before walking out as I look back at the girls who were looking at me.

"He thought I was Alison." I say as I sit with the girls at a table. "That means he doesn't know she's dead, and if he finds out, there won't be enough money in the world to make him talk."
"If this Jonah had real infomation, Ali might have known who 'A' was, and that's why she was killed." Em says.
"We have to find out what he told her about those messages." Spencer says.
"what are we suppose to do. Throw a bikni car wash?" Hanna asks.  "Even if we talked Prudence Finn into a tube top, we wouldn't raise enough money.
After a moment of silence Aria breaks it.
"Spencer?" Aria asks.
"My accounts been on lockdown since we were arrested." Spence says.
"So where are we going to get the money from?" Emily asks causing us to all go silent while we think.


Leah's P.O.V
I was at the victory party for the swim team and Em had just got finished telling us about what's going on with Hanna.
"The cops called them down there?" I ask.
"Which cops?" Spence questions.
"I don't know there was a note on the counter when I came downstairs with Maya." Em replies.
Hanna and her mom then come through the door and the three of us walk over as her mom goes upstairs.
"Hey, what's going on with Caleb?" I ask.
"I don't know. That's not why I was called down. Wilden's back, and he still thinks we had something to do with Ali's murder." Hanna says before looking at Spencer and Emily. "There's a photo of the three of us outside the coroner's office looking for page 5."
"'A' was following us?" Em asks.
"No security cameras." Hann answers. "There's a investigation going on. He said copies of that page is missing."
"Wait, copies? As in every copy?" I ask.
"Well if the cops don't have it it had to have been an inside job." Spencer says.
"Garrett." Em says.
"Officer two- face is going to open that laptop. What if Caleb goes to jail. It's going to be all my fault." Hanna say.
"That's not going to happen." I reassure her as Spencer grabs her coat. "Where are you going?"
"Jonah knows something that could help us figure out what really happened to Alison, and Wilden is just going to keep on coming after us." Spencer says. "We need to find out who killed Ali, so we can prove it wasn't us."
"Ok, unless you found $2,000 while I was out..." Hanna says as Spencer opens the door.
"Where are you going?" Em ask.
"Home." Spencer replies before leaving.
"I'm going to head out to. I promised Mike I would swing by his place before going home." I tell the girls who nod then I follow Spencer out.

At the Montgomery's house...

Leah's P.O.V
I get to Mike and Aria's house and knock on the door when Ella answers.
"Leah thank god you are here." Ella says. "Could you please talk to Mike?"
"That's why I'm here. To see him. But is everything ok? You seem a bit stressed." I say as I walk into the house.
"Mike got into a fight with someone and he won't tell me who. Could you maybe talk to him and find out what's going on?" she asks.
"Sure." I reply before going upstairs. "Mike."
"Hey babe." Mike says as I walk into the room.
"What happened to you?" I ask sitting next to him on the bed and cupping his face (which had cuts and bruises all over) why my hands.
"I just got into a fight with someone." He replies.
"Who?" I ask.
"Noel Kahn." He replies.
"Why?" I question.
"Because of what he did you to." He replies.
"Mike..." I say with a sigh.
"No Leah. I love you ok. And I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I will protect you with everything I have." Mike says.
"But I don't want you to do that." I tell him. "I don't want you to get yourself into trouble because of me."
He goes to say something but my phone goes off I look to see a message from Spencer.
'We need to ask Jason for the money. But I think it would be easy coming from you."
I message her back that I am on it before telling Mike I have to go and we'll talk more about this tomorrow before I head to Jason's.

At the DiLaurentis's house...

Leah's P.O.V
I had been at Jason's house for a while now and he has told me about how him and Spencer think Ali was bribing Spencer's dad who also turns out to be his dad.
"I think I know why Ali needed the money." I tell him. "At least a part of it."
"Why?" He asks.
"She was looking for someone. Someone she was afraid of." I tell him.
"Who?" He asks.
"I think I can find that out. But I'm going to need you to trust me. A lot."
"A lot?" He asks.
"$2,000 worth." I tell him.
"Why that much?" He asks. "Is the person n Ali was afraid of after you?"
"No I just need you to trust me that I can figure this out." I tell him.
"Well you aren't figuring it out yourself." He tells me.
"The girls are in on it to." I tell him. "Please Jason. I'll tell you everything when it's all over. I just need you to trust me that I know what I am doing."
"I don't want anything to happen to you Leah. If something is going on you need to tell me." He says.
"I will. Just not right now." I tell him.
"Fine. But if anything happens to you. I won't stop until I kill the person." He says.
"Nothings going to happen to me I promise." I tell him.
"Come here." He says pulling me into a hug and resting his chin on my head. "I love you like I little sister you know that right?"
"I know. And I love you like a big brother." I reply.

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