57- Continue what she started

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==========57- Continue what she startedBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "What's gotten into you, Leah!"- Spencer Hastings ==========

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57- Continue what she started
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"What's gotten into you, Leah!"- Spencer Hastings

_____Leah's Dream_____
Leah Hart was in her room sitting on her window seat when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Leah calls before the door opens to reveal her best Friend Alison DiLaurentis. "Ali?"
"Miss me?" The DiLaurentis girl asks.
"But you're...?" Leah says confused.
"Dead. Yeah I know." Alison says.
"If your dead this can't be real." Leah says.
"How many times do I have to tell you, Lea. Just because I'm dead doesn't mean this isn't real." Alison tells her.
"What are you doing here?" The younger of the two girls asks.
"I know Mona took control of the school once I was killed. I need you to take back control." The older one tells the other sitting down next to her.
"How am I going to do that?" The Hart girl asks.
"Don't worry... I'll help you." The DiLaurentis tells the Hart with a smirk on her face.
"How are you going to help me?" Leah asks
"Over the next few nights I will come back and help you give you tips." Alison tells her.
"What if I don't want to be in control?" The Hart girl asks.
"I made that school what it is. You have to take it back for me." The blonde girl tells the Brunette.
"Ali, I..." The brunette starts.
"Please, Lea. Your the only one I trust." Alison tells her.
"Ok." The Hart girl says with a sigh.
"Great. So what are you going to do is, your just going to be mean to a few people in public then everyone will start to be scared of you." Ali says.
"That's all?" The Hart girls asks.
"Well for now. I got to go. You can't tell the girls about this." Alison tells her.
"Why not?" The Hart girl asks.
"You just can't. I'll be back tomorrow night." The DiLaurentis says before leaving.
_____End of Leah's dream_____

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
"Ok, I understand you are really upset right now, but can you please just look at this." Aria says to Spencer as we walk up to the counter of the grille, before showing her her phone screen. "It's a photo of Maya."
"Yeah. I saw it." Spence replied.
"I saw it on Maya's website last night." Aria says showing my the photo but I turn away and put my hand to my head.
"God I can not look at screens right now. I've got a splitting headache. And I feel dizzy like hell." I say.
"Guys, there's a stamp on her wrist like the one Emily remembers from that night." Aria says. "Holden really did see her there."
"Yep." Spence says.
"Why are you not all go-go-gadget about this?" Aria asks. "Spence, this is big. This is a real link between Maya and that night.
"Aria, I can't do this anymore." Spencer says talking Aria's phone off her and putting it on the counter. "I cannot keep running around looking for clues, I can't spend hours hacking into websites Five days ago I litreally forgot to apply to college. Do you get that."
"God can you keep it down. You guys shouting is not helping my headache." I say as the person behind the counter puts the three drinks on the counter.
"Thanks." We all say.
"What's going on, why do you have such a bad headache?" Aria asks me.
"I have no clue." I reply. "But, surely you can apply to college now can't you, Spence?"
Spence shrugs and sighs.
"First I drive Toby out of town, and now this?" Spence says.
"Hey. It was just a early admissions deadline." Aria ressures her. "You can still get in. It's going to be ok."
"Upenn, has been my dream school since Iwas 8, Aria, and yesterday I found my dream crumbled up in the bottom of my bag. Underneath my AP french and my physics homework." Spencer tells her. "Which by the way I got a B on. A B! So no, everything is not going to be ok."
"Please, keep the volume down." I say sitting next to her.
"Sorry." She says. "You know what I'm dropping the Velma act. I'm now Daphene. Because I have a boyfriend to get back, and I have a college to get into."

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now