111- How the 'A' stole Christmas

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==========111- How the 'A' stole ChristmasBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I think this Christmas has been one of the best for all of us

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111- How the 'A' stole Christmas
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I think this Christmas has been one of the best for all of us."- Leah Hart
"Mona? Leah?" Hanna calls as me, her, Ezra and Emily walk into Mona's house.
"What the hell?" I say seeing louds of blood everywhere. Enough blood that shows two people most likely have died here.
"Oh my god." Em says.
"Mona! Leah!" Hann screams running upstairs. "Call 911."
"Leah!" Ezra shouts. "Leah, where are you!"

There were loads of cops and paramedics around the area. Me, Ezra, Hanna, Emily, Caleb, Paige and Mike and Leah's parents all stood outside Mona's house waiting for any news. Holbrook then comes and stands infront of the house with a bunch of reporters circling him.
"The investigation is ongoing, but we have ruled this as a homicide. Altough we have not found either victims body's, the amount of blood in the house would indicate that both victims wounds were fatal. Mona Vanderwaal and Leah Hart have been murdered." Holbrook announces.
Leah's parents, Ezra and Mike, Emily and Hanna all break down in tears. I get out of Ezra's arms and go over hugging Mike tightly as he breaks down in tears even more. I try not crying to stay strong for Mike and Ezra but I can't as I finally let the tears fall.

"Wait! We found one of them!"

Aria's P.O.V
We all look towards the house waiting to see who they bring out. Ezra walks over to me and Mike. I keep a arm around Mike's shoulder while using my other hand to grab Ezra's hand. After a few moments they bring someone out on the stretcher. They get closer and we see Leah unconscious with a oxygen mask over her mouth. Her right hip was bleeding out as paramedics put pressure on the wound.
"Leah." I hear Ezra say quietly in shock.
"Leah!" Mike shouts as he tries to go over but I grab his arms to stop me.
"Mike, stop. You need to stay here." I tell him as he continues to try to go over.
"Aria, let go of me. I need to go over there." He says.
"Mike, we will meet them at the hospitial, ok?" I ressure him as we watch Leah get loaded into the back of the ambalance. Leah's mom gets in after her while her dad runs over to the car so he could follow the ambalance to the hospital. "She will be ok."
"How do you know that?" Mike asks not taking his eyes of the ambalance.
He had now stopped trying to go over to it.
"Because it's Leah. She's one of the strongest people we know." I tell him.
Mike slowly nods as the ambalance drives away. The police come over to us and tells us they will ask us to come to the station to answer questions in a couple days. With that me, Mike, Ezra, Hanna, Emily, Caleb and Paige all get into seperate cars and head to the hosptial.

15 days later...

No one's P.O.V
It has been 2 weeks since Mona Vanderwaal was murdered and Leah Hart was critical injuried. Mona's body had still not been found. Leah was rushed into the operating room as soon as she arrived at the hospital. She was locked in the closet losing blood for nearly an hour before she was found. She had lost a significant amount of blood but the doctors were still about to save her. However, the Hart girl was in a coma and had been for the last 15 days.
Leah's parents and Ezra Fitz had not left Leah's side besides once night a week so they could sleep in comfortable beds.
Mike Montgomery was always there as well besides night time when his dad and sister forces him to go home.
Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin and Emily Fields has visited everyday for a couple hours, Spencer Hastings joining them a few days after when she was realsed from jail on bail but also so she could be there for her best friend.
Jason DiLaurentis came back as soon as he heard the news and he was also nearly always at the hosptial.
Caleb Rivers, Toby Cavanaugh and Paige Mcullars had also visted a few times.
Some of Leah's other friends from her classes at school had also visted. But the most surprising vistor was Alison DiLaurentis. She had come to visit 4 or 5 times. It was definitely awkward but she had to. Leah Hart was her best and Alison Dilaurentis missed her loads.

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