41- The naked truth

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==========41- The naked truth Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Stay away from her

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41- The naked truth
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Stay away from her. Stay away from all of them."- Jason DiLaurentis

Leah's P.O.V
"That's what you got from Ali's claim ticket?" I ask Spencer as me, her, Em and Aria look at a red coat which was laying on Spencer's couch.
"That's what they gave me." Spencer replies.
"So basically you picked up her dry cleaning." Em says.
"I just can't picture Alison ever wearing this." Aria says.
"Well, picture Vivian darkbloom." Spence tells her.
"So now we are saying that this Vivian darkperson had their own wardrobe too?" I ask before Spencer gestures to the coat.
"This is so werid." Emily says as Aria takes a few steps forward.
"Can I touch it?" Aria asks.
"Yeah, it's a raincoat Aria, it's not a mummy." Spencer says. "Where's Hanna?"
"She and her mom had to meet with Tamborelli before school." Em answers.
"Kate's mom printed off that naked picture and she is threatening to to sue. She want's blood." I add.
"Hanna's." Aria says as she was holding the coat.
"Yeah and probably mine to." Spencer says. "I'm the one who told her that Kate use to be called 'boil n' baggies."
"Who told 'A'?" Em asks.
"Who tells 'A' anything?" I ask back.  "That plan was probably in motion the moment Kate walked into school."
"Guys." Aria says causing us to look at her while she holds a small piece of paper. Check this out."
"What is that?" Spencer asks.
"It's a phone number," Aria answers.
"Whose?" Spencer questions.
"There's no name." Aria responds.
"Let's call it." Spencer says.
"Ok, stop. Now I feel like we're in a bad place." Em says.
"We are in my living room, Emily. We are holding a coat." Spencer tells her.
"Yeah, that belongs to someone no longer alive." Em points out.
"Em. How can we not call this?" I ask as Aria hands me the paper. "Whoever this is may have some answer, like why on earth did Alison need to be this Vivian person?"
"And who was Vivian meeting and why." Aria adds.
"You think we are going to find that out from a number in a pocket?" Em asks.
"Well, it's probably easier then hiring the fat lady with a tube top at the farmer's market who's going to tell you your fortune, but if you're too scared..." Spencer says.
"I'm not scared." Em says cutting her off.  "It just doesn't feel right."
"Ok, that's it. I'm calling." I say pulling my phone out.
"Maybe I should call. I was the pne who found the number." Aria says.
"I knew Ali longer and that means I learnt her way of lying better then anyone. I got this." I reply before putting my phone to my ear as it starts ringing.
"Yeah, but I don't know about our fortunes but that lady with the tube top makes really good apple butter." Aria tells Em and Spence.
"What if we know this person?" Em asks.
"I told you I got this." I tell her before it goes to voicemail. "It went to voicemail."
"Man or women?" Spencer asks.
"It's a computer." I answer.
"What are you going to say?" Aria asks as I hear the beep which gives me no time to answer her.
"Hi, this is a friend of vivian's. Can you just give me a call back on this number today? It's really important. Thanks?" I say before ending the call and looking at the girls.

At school...

Leah's P.O.V
At the start of school me and the girls met with Hanna (at her locker) who had just finished her meeting with the rincipal.
"Wait. They still think you sent that picture?" Aria asks her.
"Yep." Hann replies.
"At least you weren't suspended, Hann." I tell her. "This is going to blow over."
"Yeah, until 'A' gets hungry again and takes anpther bite out of my arse." Hanna says.
"Hanna." Spencer says with a sigh.
"No. We thought we had all the power because we had 'A''s phone. Well huess what, now 'A' is using our phones against us." Hanna says walkig away.
After a few moments we go to follow her but she turns and walks in the other direction walking past us.
"Guess it could have been a lot worse, right?" Aria asks.
"Tamboli's a jerk." Em says as we see the principal talking with Kate and her mom. "Hit the wall with him last week."
"Wait, is he the one keeping you off the swim team?" I ask as Tamboli, Kate and her mom go to his office.
"Totally. Apparently, he;s got some major sponsors on the hook and doesn't want anyone in the pool who might tanish the team's image." Em replies.
""What?" Spencer asks.
"Talk about bullies." I say as we all stop walking.
"How much longer are we going to have to pay for picking up that stupid shovel?" Em asks before me and her head into the toilets and Spencer and Aria walk away.

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