101- Thrown from the ride

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==========101- Thrown from the rideBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "What do you want from me?"- Leah Hart==========

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101- Thrown from the ride
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"What do you want from me?"- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
Me, Aria and Hanna were stood checking out book at a book stall that was outside of the school. Hanna had got her hair dyed. She had black sreaks throughout her hair. To be honest I've been wanting to get mine down so the underneath layers are blonde.
"You hate it." Hann says looking at Aria who kept on looking at her hair.
"No. I don't hate it I actually really like it." Aria says.
"What about you?" Hann asks looking at me. "What do you think?"
"I love it. I've actually been thinking about getting mine done similar, but not the same." I answer. "I'm jsut confused why the sudden impulse?"
"I wanted to be spontaneous." Hann says.
"Hanna, you not spontaneous." Aria says.
"Ueah, I mean. You make a pintrest board before you change your nail polish." I point out before seeing Mike who spots me and signals for me to come over. "I got to go. I'll catch you guys later."
"Hey You." Mike says as I get over to him.
"Hey." I reply pecking his lips.
"I'm taking you on a date tonight." He tells me.
"Are you now?" I reply jokingly.
"Yes. I am." He says.
"Well, I can't wait." I tell him before how grabs the sides of my face and kisses me.
The bell goes causing me to pull away and groan out of annoyance causing me to laugh.
"What's so funny?" He asks me.
"You." I say still laughing before slowly letting go of his hand as I walk backwards. "I got to get to class I'll see you after."
"Wait. Wait. Wait." Mike says quickly grabbing both my hands again pulling me back towards him. "Can't we just skip class?"
"Mike, I can't you know that. My brother is a teacher for chirst sake. If my parents don't murder me, he definitely will." I say laughing.
"Fine. I'll meet you outside your class when the bell goes." He says.
"How are you going to do that when your class is the other side of the school?" I question.
"I'll ask to go to the bathroom 5 minutes till the end." He says.
"And if the teacher doesn't let you?" I question once again.
"Then, I will walk out. Then we can walk to English together." He says. "How much do you bet your brother will make his sit apart from eachother?"
"Maybe like 200%." I say laughing before kissing him again. "Bye."
"Bye babe." He says before he walk in oppisite directions to go to our classes.

At Lunch...

Leah's P.O.V
Me, Spencer, Hanna and Aria were all sat outside having lunch as people stared at us.
"It's better then eating in the cafeteria." Spence says.
"Not really. We're still a freak show." Aria says. "Now we're just a freak show in natural light."
"I feel like we are lobsters in a tank at a resturant." Hann says. "You know, the ones you stare at to see which one you want to eat. And then you see the lobster with the chewed of claw and then the rubber band is..."
"Hanna, we're not lobsters." I tell her. "Relax."
"Hey." Em says coming over to us.
"Hey." We all say.
"Oh my god. Guys." Aria syas looking at Mona before turning back to us. "She is seriously freaking me out."
"I'll talk to her later." I say looking at Mona as she looks back at me.
"She knows that we were in New York. She threatened Ali. What if she knows about Shana too?" Aria asks.
"Aria, relax. I said I would talk to her." I tell her.
"You need to take a psychological selfie right now. You are letting you're paranio get the better of you." Spence tells her.
"Really?" Aria asks before pointing towards Mona. "How do you know none of this is about Shana?"
"Because it's not. It's all about Ali." Spence tells her. "I've been feilding questions about her all day."
"yeah, me too." Em says. "Some people have been nice about it, I guess."
"Some people have been rude about it." Hann says. "This girl in PE asked me if it was true that Ali was fed raw meat."
"What did you say?" I ask.
"nothing. I just bonked her over the head with a dodgeball." Hann answers.
All our phones go off causing us all to go tense.
"Og my god." Em says.
"It can't be." Aria says.
"It's not it's Ali." Spence ressures us. "Wait this is intense. She says since there is no obvious signs of struggle, they're going to have to wait for the coroner's toxicology results to determine her moms cause of death."
"The case of death? It was murder. Duh." Hann says.
"Maybe the cops think that she was posioned." I suggest.
"How do they know she wasn't buried alive?" Hann asks.
"We don't have to pretend like she wasn't found in my backyard." Spence says after a awkward moment of silence.
"We know your family had nothing to do with what happened to Ali's mom, Spence." Em ressures her.
"Of course not. I mean if they did kill her, they wouldn't make a bonehead move such as bury her in their own flowerbed." Hann says.
"Hanna. it's not helping." Aria tells her.
"Yes it is." Hann says before my phone goes off.
'Got worried there then didn't you bitch. Don't worry, your still my favourite. Kisses- A'
"Everything ok, Lea?" Spence asks.
"Yeah, yeah. It's just my mom asking if I am coming straight home after school." I answer putting my phone back onto the table.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now