127- Don't look now

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==========127- Don't look nowBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I'll be here for you for anything

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127- Don't look now
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I'll be here for you for anything. I'll always support you. I'll never leave your side. I promise."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
"So what did you're dad say when you showed him the picture?" Hann asks Alison while we stoof in Spencer's room.
Me and Ezra were warching a movie in the living room of my parents house, right after I had just told him the truth about what happened in the dollhouse, when Ali had sent an SOS to meet at Spencers.
"Did he admit Charles is the boy next to Jason?" Aria asks.
"Guys, give her a minute." I tell them.
"Charles is my brother." Ali says causing us all to look at eachother shocked.
"Then, why hasn't he been living with your family this whole time?" Em asks.
"He was 15 months older then Jason, from a early age they knew he was troubled. When I was 1 it got to the point where it was to dangerous to have him in the house. They sent him to Radley. That's when we moved here, because mom wanted to be close to him." Ali explains.
"I'm so sorry Ali." I say sitting down on Spencer's bed next to her and hugging her.
"All roads lead back to Radley." Spence says.
"I don't get it. Why wouldn't your parents tell you about him? Why keep it a secret?" Aria asks.
"He wanted me to have a normal childhood." Ali answers. "He knows he isn't the one who did everything to you guys."
"How is he so sure?" Hann asks.
"Because Charles is dead." Ali answers. "He killed himself when he was 16. He never left Radley."
"How did he do it?" Spence asks.
"He toke pills." Ali answers.
"Where did they bury him?" Em asks.
"My dad was out of the country when it happened. So my mom had it cremanted." Ali explains.
"He's lying." Hann says.
"Hanna!" I say shocked.
"How can you be so sure?" Aria asks.
"No body, no grave, no proof." Hanna replies.
"He's not lying, Hanna." Ali says. "He would never protect someone who's trying to hurt us."
"Two days ago, he said there was no Charles DiLaurentis in your family. Why believe him now?" Hann asks.
"He didn't want to tell me about Charles because he was ashamed of what he did." Ali replies. "To him. To my family."
"Look, 'A' responds to the name Charles and clearly that home movie means a lot to him." Spence points out. "So that's enough reason for us to believe your brother might still be alive. If we want to rule him out, we just have to fidn proof of his death."
"How do we do that?" I ask.
"We go to Radley." Hann says. "Someone who works there has to know what happened to Charles."
"We can't go to Radley." Aria says.
"Why not?" Hann asks.
"It closed down. Remember?" Aria replies.
"Well, I have to get back. Ezra doesn't want me out to late." I say standing up.
"He really is protective over you Isn't he?" Em says with a smile.
"Yeah. Get's a bit annoying sometimes but I understand where he is coming from." I reply. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Call if anything happens."
I then leave and head home.

The next day...

Leah's P.O.V
Since Andrew had been realeased, there were now police outside mine and all the girls houses 24/7. Even when we were there. This was so the person couldn't find a way to sneak in when no one was there because if they do, it would be game over.
I had decided to try going back to school today. I was walking out the house and down the path, when a officer stops me.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"To the brew and then I'm going to try going to school." I answer. "Why? Is that a problem?"
"No, not at all. You just shouldn't be walking the streets alone at the moment. Not while that person is still out there." He explains.
"Don't worry officer. I'll be walking with her." Ezra says coming up and putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Very well." The officer says before walking back over and getting back into the car.
"That was not needed." I say with a laugh as me and Ezra walk down the street.
"They are only trying to keep and eye out for you."
"Still. They don't need to stalk us." I reply.
"Are you sure you want to go back to school already?" He asks.
"No, but, can't leave Mike on his own for to long." I say before laughing. "I swear, when I was on the phone with him last night and he was telling me everything, he general sounded like he needed help."
"In what way?" Ezra asks.
"Just help in general. He said and I quote. 'It feels like I am in a zoo, and not the fun kind.'" I say before we both start laugh.
"Now that is good." He says.
"I know right?" I reply "He also said and again I quote 'It's like I'm Tarzan expect there's no branches of vines for me to swing on to escape the animals on the forest floor.'"
"Jesus." Ezra says. "Where the hell does he come up with all of these things?"
"Don't ask me." I say with a laugh.
We continue to talk until we get to the brew.
"Are you going to come in and get a drink before heading off?" He asks.
"Yeah." I answer before we both head in.
Ezra heads to the back to put his stuff away while I make myself a drink, the brew wasn't open for another few minutes, so no customers were in.
"Call me if you need anything, ok? I've got my phone on me in my pocket and if you need me to come pick you up I will come right away, ok?" He says.
"Ok, thanks Ez." I say giving him a hug before I pull away and pick my drink up off the side as I fix the strap of my backpack which I was wearing on one shoulder.
"I mean it, Lea. I know you and what you're like. Please, don't force yourself to stay just because you feel like you have to, because you don't. For all I care you never have to go to school again." He says causing me to smile.
"I know, Ezra and I won't. I'll see you later, ok?" I say with a smile walking over to the door.
"See you later, love you." He calls after me.
"Love you to, bro." I shout back as I leave the coffee shop.
As I was walking down the street I hear a loud crash causing me to freeze.

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