62- Better now

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==========62- Better now Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I love you Mike

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62- Better now
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I love you Mike. Never forget that."- Leah Hart

Mike's P.O.V
Me, the girls, Jason, Paige, Toby, Caleb, Ezra and Leah's parents were all waiting at the hospital waiting on any news about Leah. It had been a few hours since Leah had passed out on the ghost train and it was safe to say that we were all worried about her, not knowing why she had passed out. The doctors had come and asked Leah's mom and dad to speak privately.
"What's so bad that the doctors can't say it in front of us?" I ask.
"I'm sure everything is fine. It's just confidentiality reasons." Aria ressures me.
I nod before Mrs Hart come back.
"Everything ok, Mrs Hart?" Emily asks.
"Um, my husbands still talking to the doctors but the doctors think they have figured out what happened." Mrs Hart tells us.
"What do they think happened?" Jason asks.
"They have found multiple kind of drugs in Leah's systems. Drugs that if taken together to often can kill you." Mrs Hart Explains.
"Wait what?" I say.
"Do you guys know why she would take drugs together which could kill her?" Mrs Hart asks.
"A lot has been going on but we had no idea it was this bad." Hann says.
"Ok, well she's stable but she hasn't woken up yet. If you guys want to head home then we will call you but if you want to stay you are more them welcome to." Mrs Hart says before going back over to where Mr Hart and the doctor are talking.
We all decided to stay and wait it out, hoping that Leah would be ok.

An hour later...

Leah's P.O.V
I wake up and realise I am in hospitial. Again. I look beside me and see my mom and dad.
"Mom? Dad?" I ask.
"Hey hunny." Mom says coming over and hugging me. "How are you feeling?"
"Confused and tired." I answer.
"Honey, we need to talk to you." My dad tells me.
"Ok. What's up?" I ask.
"Have you been taking drugs?" Mom asks.
"What! No! Of course not! Why would you think that I have?" I reply.
"The doctors found drugs in your system. Drugs that when taken together for a certain amount of time can kill you." Dad informs me. "Now, if something is going on you need to tell us. We can help."
"Nothings going on. I haven't been taking drugs." I tell them. "You have to believe me."
"We need to think this through, Hon." Mom tells me. "We'll go tell everyone your awake."
"What do you mean everyone?" I ask.
"The girls, Jason, Mike, Toby, Caleb, Paige and Mr Fitz... I mean Ezra, are all our in the waiting room." Dad explains.
"Oh ok." I say before both my parents come over and kiss me on the forehead before leaving.

After a little while the girls come into my room.
"Hey lea." Aria says. "How are you feeling?"
"Scared." I tell them. "I'm guess my parents told you guys about the drug thing." The nod at this. "Guys I think 'A' had something to do wih it."
"Why would you think that?" hann asks.
"Because it sounds like something 'A' would do. No 'A' has done it." Em says.
"Guys, you know when I was not acting like myself a month ago?" I say causing them to nod again. "It was because I was seeing Ali in my dreams and she was telling me to do all of it."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Spence asks.
"I didn't think it was that big of a deal. But guys what if it wasn't a dream. What if 'A' was drugging me and hired someone who looked like Ali to pretend to be her while I says drugged since I wouldn't have known any better." I say.
"Or what if 'A' themselevs did it. What if 'A' is someone who looks like Ali." Spence says.
"'A' wouldn't be that stupid. What if I had come round and realised what's going on. 'A' would of been caught." I point out.
"Ok, you got a point there." Spence says.
"God. I was telling that person everything. What if they were reporting it back to 'A'. 'A' knows everything! And it's all my fault." I say.
"Hey. Don't think like that. It's not your fault." Aria tells me sitting on my bed and grabbing my head supportively.
"No, it is my fault. We all in more danger then we were before because of me." I say.
"No. Nothing is because of you. We will figure it all out. Don't worry. You just focus on getting better." Spence tells me.
"Ok." I say with a sigh.
We stay talking for a while until they leave.

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