151-Exes and OMGs

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==========151- Exes and OMGsBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "You'll always hold a special place in my heart, Leah

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151- Exes and OMGs
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You'll always hold a special place in my heart, Leah."- Henry Price

Leah's P.O.V
"Why would you guys decide to elope!" I shout at Ezra and Aria after I had caught them with their bags packed.
"We didn't want to go through all the trouble of planning." Ezra replies.
"I just thought you would have at least told me. I thought you would have wanted me there, but I guess not." I say feeling hurt.
"Leah, of course we want you there. You're my sister!" Ezra says.
Well you sure as hell haven't acted like you want me there." I reply.
""Leah, we want you there. Ok? We do." Aria says. "We're not even going at the moment."
"Why?" I ask. "If your not going why are your bags packed?"
"Because we were going to but we got some news." Ezra says.
"What news?" I ask.
"Nicole might be alive." Aria says causing my face to drop.
"What?" I say in shock. "How... How long have you known this?"
"Only a couple of hours." Ezra replies.
"Oh my god." I say covering my mouth. "Is... is this real?"
"Maybe, the police came and said there's a possibility." Ezra explains.
I go over and hug Ezra tightly which he returns. I miss Nicole a lot. I really hope that she actually is alive.


Leah's P.O.V
Me, the girls and Caleb were walking around town talking about what happened.
"Ok, so we know that Noel Kahn stole the Mary Drake file from Toby's airstream." Spence says. 
"Who's Yvonne?" Hanna asks.
"She's... she's ok. Toby's going to be spending some time with her." Spence answers.
"And then right after he got that file, he called Dr Cochran."
"Sounds like Jenna and Noel are on the same path that we are." Caleb says.
"Only they're ahead of us." Ali says.
"Who burned us out of the storm cellar?" Em asks.
"Someone who didn't want us to know Mary Drake had a second child." I reply.
"'AD'?" Aria asks.
"Noel Kahn. You guys, Noel's been in the middle of everything that has been happening to us." Hann says. "He clearly has more A-ness then anyone out there."
"I wouldn't have put it that way, Hann." I say patting her shoulder with a laugh.
"Hold on Ali. You know Noel Kahn better then any of us." Em says.
"I'm not proud to say it, but you're probably right." Ali replies. "I trusted him once, but then I realised he was spying on my for Charlotte."
"But, you had something on him. From years ago." Em says.
"Must have been good." Aria says.
"Do you guys remember that frat party I toke you guys to, freshman year?" Ali asks. "We made those fake ID's?"
"Yeah, all the guys were super drunk." Hann says. "So?"
"Sorority girl fell down the stairs." I add.
"She didn't fall. Noel pushed her." Ali tells us.
"See, no story with Noel Kahn has a happy ending." Hann says.
"What if you went to Noel now? Threatened to tell the police." Em suggests.
"No, it's to late. his family paid the girl off years ago." Ali replies. "He got away with it."
"Like he does with everything." Spence says.
"Exactly why we shouldn't be arguing whether Noel's 'A',  'AD', 'Uber A' or whatever." Hann says. "God I can't believe you guys."
Hann then walks away and Caleb follows her.

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