122- I'm a good girl, I am

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==========122- I'm a good girl, I amBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Well I don't, and there's no way in hell I am staying away from you

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122- I'm a good girl, I am
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Well I don't, and there's no way in hell I am staying away from you. You are my best friend and I love you, ok? Nothing will ever change that. I don't care if you are dating someone else. I will always love you, Leah Hart."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
Ali's trial has now entered it's second month. And there was now a surpirse witness. Which was the last thing we needed.
Me, Aria, Emily and Spencer were back in the front row of the gallery as the trial continued.
"Counsellor, will you call your next witness, please?" The judge asks Mr Sirk.
"The commonwealth calls Lesli Stone to take the stand." Mr Sirk answers cauisng me and the girls to look at eachother confused.
Lesli disappears off the face of the earth and now she returns to take the stand against Alison. What the hell is she doing?
"I knew she was trouble." Em says after Lesli had walked past us.
"Where's she been all this time?" Aria asks.
"Probably toke her a while to cross the river Styx." Spence answers.
Lesli then takes the stand. She sits down and looks at us.

"So you hadn't seen your friend since the school year began, but you were in consentant communication." Mr Sirk states.
"Mona and I talked on the phone a lot. We grew very close last summer." Lesli responds. "we texted all the time."
"And on one occasion, Mona actualy sent you a card, correct?" Mr Sirk asks picking and holding up a card.
"Yes." Lesli answers.
"And in this card, mailed two weeks before thanksgiving, what did Mona tell you?" Mr sirk asks,
"She was having a hard time, and she had been threatened." Lesli says before looking at Alison and pointing to her. "By her."
"And what was the nature of this threat?" Mr Sirk asks as we all look at Ali.
"Ali said if Mona opened her trap about the fake kidnapping, that she would be eaten by worms." Lesli answers.
"Objection. Hearsay." Ali's lawer cuts in.
"The witness is quoting the victim, you honour. It's all in the card." Mr Sirk explains.
"Objection overruled." The judge announces.
"And why have you decided to share this card with us now lesli?" Sirk asks.
"I couldn't find it." Lesli answers. "It came during midterms, and I stuck it in a textbook. And honesly I didn;t take it seriously enough."
"Why?" MrSirk asks as lesli starts to cry.
"Everyone has feuds in highschool." Lesli replies. "I didn't realise what Mona was dealing with until it was to late. And then when i came to see her mom, um..."
"What happened then?" Mr Sirk questions.
"I realised something werid was going on. Even though Alison was already locked up, her friends were all on edge about anyone asking any questions, or touching Mona's things." Lesli explains. "I was pratically attacked by one of Alison's friends brother who happened to be Mona's ex boyfriend for borrowing a book from her room."
I look at Aria shocked who looks at me just as shocked. Emily grabs my hand while Andrew came and sat next to Aria holding her hand.
"Do you think that Alison's friends were hiding something to protect her?" Sirk asks.
"One of them. Leah Hart, wouldn't even let me go into Mona's bedroom. I had to wait until she left to go in there." Lesli says. "Leah stalked me the entire time I was in rosewood."
"I'll go call Ezra and Caleb." Spence whispers to me squeezing my arm.
I nod at her worryingly before she leaves.
"Did you share your observations with Mona's mother?" Mr Sirk asks.
The trial goes on and it only gets worse and worse.

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